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Wow, what’s that?

I don’t know about you, but I like to learn new things. When something comes along that I think might be valuable in my business or my clients’ businesses, I usually stop and have a look. It can be a new tool for organization or collaboration … something that maybe will help us automate something a little bit better … or maybe it’s just something cool. If I am really conscious of what I am doing, I can figure out when would be a good time to check something out in more detail. But sometimes … okay most of the time … I am not that present … and I become the victim of Shiny Object Syndrome. You know what… Read More »Wow, what’s that?

What would you do differently?

As a business owner, it’s important to review and assess the aspects of your business on a regular basis. In order to grow and be successful, you need to be sure that you are doing things like maximizing revenue and minimizing expenses, among many other things. If you could take one whole day to just stand back and look at your business … what would you do differently? It’s something that not many of us do without the prodding of a coach or an accountability partner. Often we get caught up in the day to day running of our business, and we forget to make sure we are doing everything we need to, to guide it in the direction we… Read More »What would you do differently?

One Woman’s Trash …

As you may know, I recently sent out a survey to my VA connections to see what they were interested in learning about this year, to improve their business marketing. I offered each respondent their choice of one of three free gifts in response for filling out my survey. I figured it was the least I could do if someone took a few moments to provide with the information I need to build great programs in my business. The response was great – in just a few days I had over 70 responses, which gave me a lot of information that will help with me with my planning. I was very pleased with the results. (If you want to see… Read More »One Woman’s Trash …

Are You Using Your Outside Voice?

Recently I was having a conversation with a mentoring student about communicating with clients. She is a relatively new Virtual Assistant, and she is still a bit timid around clients. It’s a stage that all new VAs go through – not really having that confidence that you know the right things to say around a new client – and that kind of thing. It’s one thing to know what you are doing, but it’s another to tell a client what they should be doing. It’s a situation that you need to learn how to handle as a VA – and once you do, you will not only gain confidence, but you will also gain their trust, respect and even their… Read More »Are You Using Your Outside Voice?

The Strategy of Knowing Your Client’s Business

Building a business takes strategy. You know that from building your own business. You want to build a business that is successful and thriving. What is the easiest way to do that? Work with clients whose businesses are also successful and thriving. It seems like a simple concept, but most VAs I know want to work with clients on a long term basis – and they have no idea what to do in order to find them. The key is to find clients who are currently (or planning to) growing their businesses, because that will mean that your business will grow as well. There is one important thing you need to do for them that will help both of you.… Read More »The Strategy of Knowing Your Client’s Business

Chocolate, Cinnamon – and What They Have to Do with Repurposing Your Content

I was recently talking with a client about repackaging and repurposing content. I had suggested that it would be a good idea to take an audio from a teleclass and repackage it into several other pieces that the client could use in her marketing. She didn’t understand why I would suggest doing that – the audio itself was content so why didn’t we we just blast the link out for everywhere so people could opt in to it and therefore get the material – no extra work required. It’s important to realize that people take in their information in all different kinds of ways. In order to reach them you need to find the way that speaks directly to them.… Read More »Chocolate, Cinnamon – and What They Have to Do with Repurposing Your Content

5 Tips for Effective Networking As a Virtual Assistant

As we think about building our business, the principle ‘It’s who you know’ often comes into play. After all, in order to start working with someone, you have to get to know them. Well, in order to get to know them you have to initially find them. Then you have to connect with them. This is what we call networking. Whether you do it in person on online, you should be conscious of a few things that will make your efforts a lot more fruitful. 1. Don’t be invisible. When you are networking, the key is to be seen. You need to join groups or attend events with the intention of coming away from the wall and actually talking to… Read More »5 Tips for Effective Networking As a Virtual Assistant

One Thing You Need To Do To Make Your VA Business Grow

When you do your planning and goal setting in your business, do you really look at your numbers to determine where your revenue is coming from? If you don’t, you are missing out of a very large part of your business planning. When you are setting goals, one of the key things you need to assess is where the revenue will come from. In order to do this, you have to do a simple analysis of where it’s currently coming from. By focusing on this, you will be better prepared to plan new services, products or programs. It’s a simple thing to do, and it should be a part of your goal setting and business planning every time. 1. Make… Read More »One Thing You Need To Do To Make Your VA Business Grow