5 Day Get Clients! Challenge for VAs – Promotional Materials

Thank you for helping me to promote my Get Clients! 5 Day Challenge for Virtual Assistants. I appreciate any eyes you can put on this free training event which is happening from September 13 to 17, 2021.

Below you will find all of the promotional materials, including some graphics you are welcome to use to promote the event. Don’t forget to use your AFFILIATE LINK!

IMAGES: (right click and save to download each image)


Subject Options:    
Are you struggling to find VA clients? Join us for this free 5 day challenge!   
If you are struggling to find clients for your VA business, check this out!   
Getting Virtual Assistant clients is hard. Learn how with this 5 Day Challenge.   
Tired of watching other VAs get clients while you struggle? Open this. 


Many Virtual Assistants say their biggest challenge is getting clients. It is an ongoing struggle for many VAs who have never learned how to get clients for their business.

If that’s you, here is some great news!

My friend and colleague Tracey D’Aviero at Your VA Mentor, has an opportunity for you to learn how to get clients for your VA business – and it won’t cost you a thing!

It’s a free 5 day challenge to help you learn how to get clients.

5 Day Get Clients Challenge for Virtual Assistants

September 13 to 17, 2021


If you are:  

  • Struggling to get your first (or next!) great client,
  • Frustrated by spending all day marketing and still not connecting with clients, 
  • Tired of watching other VAs sign clients easily, and not sure what you are doing wrong,
  • Embarrassed to admit that you really aren’t sure how to find clients,
  • Exhausted from it all … 

… register now for this FREE 5-Day challenge. 


You will spend the week learning the right ways to find VA clients. You’ll get a daily training lesson and daily practical exercises that will help you find and sign the clients you want to work with.

And at the end of the week, there will be a live video training and Q&A session to make sure your questions are answered and you are ready to connect with clients!

Sign up for the challenge today to learn how to get great VA clients easily! It starts September 13th!





Are you struggling to find clients for your Virtual Assistant business? Join us for this free 5 day challenge starting September 13th! [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

The biggest challenge in a Virtual Assistant business is getting clients. This free 5 day challenge will help you get clients easily! [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Many Virtual Assistants struggle to find clients because they were never taught how to do it properly. Join us for this 5 day challenge to Get Clients on September 13th! [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

The 5 Day Get Clients Challenge for Virtual Assistants. February 13 to 17. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Are you struggling to get your first Virtual Assistant client? Join this 5 day challenge to get your strategy and plan in place. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Are you tired of watching other Virtual Assistants sign clients, while you have no idea what you are doing wrong? This 5 day challenge is for you! The 5 Day Get Clients Challenge for Virtual Assistants. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

If you are struggling to get clients for your Virtual Assistant business, you need to take part in this 5 day challenge to learn how to do it. It starts September 13th! [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Are you making the money you want to make? You might need better clients. Join us for the 5 Day Get Clients Challenge for VAs. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Struggling to find VA clients? It’s time to take action and do what you need to do to find great clients in this 5 day challenge. We start September 13th! [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

Free 5 Day Get Clients Challenge for VAs starts Sept 13th. Daily training lessons to help you set up your strategy and plan to get clients now. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE]