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What’s On Your Mind?

What’s on your mind?

You get greeted with this question every time you log in to your Facebook profile. It’s a pretty simple question when you think about it … it really just means … what are you thinking about at this very moment?

On the surface, that question might cause you to think of something that is happening during your day, or something you will be doing soon.

From a marketing standpoint, it goes deeper than that.

What are you planning? What are you strategizing? What are you working on? What ‘mode’ are you in? When you are in business, you are always in some sort of mode. Strategy, planning, implementation, analysis.

If you aren’t in one of these modes right now, the marketing of your business is probably suffering.

Regular marketing of your business, your products, your services, and YOU is essential to keep your business in front of the people who could potentially be your clients.

Here are a couple of tips to jumpstart your marketing if you have let it slow to a crawl:

1. Strategize your next promotion. It doesn’t have to be anything big (if you haven’t done much in a while sometimes it’s less daunting to start small). Maybe you want to start inviting people to join your Facebook page, or opt in to receive your newsletter. Or maybe you do want to go big – and start a new training course or a new service offering. Whatever it is, start to think about what you want to do, and what it will take to make it happen.

2. Plan your next move. Decide where you are going to put it out there, when you are going to start to promote and who might help you.Get out your calendar and pick a date. Then work back from there so that you can be sure you have enough time to do each of the steps you need to make it successful.

3. Implement your plan. Get things moving. Publish your content, send out your email notifications, connect with people that you want to reach. Be excited and make the people you are connecting with excited too! Promotion should be fun!

4. Analyze your results. Once it starts, be sure to check in on it to be sure you are achieving the results you planned. Tweak your plan if necessary. Once it’s over, analyze your returns – did it do what you wanted? Determine what you would do differently next time and plan to do it all again!

So the next time your Facebook asks you what’s on your mind? Go deeper and get something done!

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