The world has been slowed to a crawl because of Coronavirus. How are you coping?
When things aren’t going the way we want them to in our business – we don’t have enough clients, or we don’t make enough money, or we burn ourselves out because we don’t charge enough (or can’t say no to a client) – it is easy (oh so easy!) to get down.
It is easy to let the bad stuff overtake your mind, and your thoughts.
With a pandemic, many things are out of our control. It can be even harder to see the upside. You might realllly have to look for it some days.

Here are a few tips that might help:
1. Talk about it.
If you keep everything inside the emotions will eventually boil over. Talk about what you are worried about. Talk about what you can handle. Talk about what you can’t handle. Talk to your family members about what to expect, and how you are feeling. You need to support each other now more than usual. Maintaining calm is going to be important as the stress mounts for everyone. If you suddenly have a house full of people (like I do), set firm boundaries around work hours and rules so everyone is aware.
2. Find support.
When it comes to business, it’s important to have a connection with business colleagues who really understand what you are feeling. Find a supportive group that you can get support from – video chat works great for that personal face to face feeling – and make a point to do it regularly.
3. Take care of your health.
Obviously with a health pandemic we are all being just a bit more careful with our health, but be sure to eat well and get plenty of rest. Worrying takes a lot out of you, and it’s best to do whatever you can to maintain a healthy body. Getting outside for a walk is a terrific way to get a bit of exercise and clear your mind at the same time. Listen to a podcast if you want to get your mind off things!
4. Ask for help.
Whether you need mental health help or financial help, there is help out there for you. Here in Canada the banks and the government are offering a number of solutions to defer payments and deadlines to help people ease the financial strain they might be feeling.
5. Take some courses.
If you have spare time on your hands, consider taking some online courses to pass the time. There are many companies offering free lessons online during the crisis. Do a little research to see what you can find, and uplevel your skills.
6. Ask your clients what they need.
Some clients will tell you they want to cut back on your time. While this will be upsetting, we have to understand that finances are an important thing for any business to focus on. Ask your clients what they need. Maybe you stop certain services but increase others. Talking about it with them is the most important thing.
7. Keep calm.
If you don’t currently do any kind of meditation or mindset work, consider looking at Youtube videos or apps that you can listen to for some guidance. Keeping calm in the face of uncertainty like this pandemic is good for your health and your relationships, all of them.
8. Look for inspiration.
Make an extra effort to look for the positive in every situation. Look for inspiration where you need it – humour, music, entertainment are great for the mind. Offer to help others. There is so much inspiration in making someone else’s day, or just making them smile. Seek out opportunities to do that.
We will weather this storm – and the sooner we can, the better. Take care of yourself, and those around you, and we will get there!
I am happy to offer support to anyone who needs it. Post in our Facebook group if you need help, or if you just want a sounding board if you are having a tough day! You are not alone. We are here for you.