What keeps you from getting out there and networking or marketing your Virtual Assistant business?
I ask this question of many VAs when they are struggling to find clients, and it often comes down to one thing… lack of motivation.
If we are not motivated to do something, we can convince ourselves that it’s not important, or that we are doing it the wrong way, or that we need more information or research done before proceeding.
And because we work alone most of the time, we need to find ways to motivate ourselves to get a lot of things done that maybe we don’t feel like doing.
“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

Let’s talk about a few ways that you can motivate yourself to promote your business to your audience.
Do it at the right time
The first thing you need to be aware of is when the right time is to do any task. This is not the same for everyone. Some people are more creative in the mornings, some are better in the afternoon. When should you be creating your social media images? When are you at your best to do networking outreach? Figure out the times of day when you are most productive – and most focused – and schedule your tasks accordingly.
Get up earlier
If you are trying to add in a new project to your day, you may need to add time to your normal day to accommodate that. You don’t have to get up 4 hours earlier than usual, but you do need to allow for the larger task list. Feeling too rushed is a big reason that we are not motivated to do promotion. If you are not an early riser, add your time later in the evening or late at night. The key is to add that time in so it’s extra. Writing blog posts or social media posts are great things that can be done outside of business hours.
Set small goals or objectives
To get anything done, you need to know what you are trying to accomplish at any given time. If you are writing a blog post, start with a draft post in one sitting. In another sitting, edit and rewrite it until you are happy with it. In another short sitting, complete your final draft. When you try to do a complete blog post all in one sitting, it can be overwhelming. Take the pressure off yourself and do it in shorter sittings, to stay motivated.
Just start
When you make yourself sit down and get something done, the work gets done. The more you allow yourself to avoid starting a task, the longer it will sit undone. Give yourself a start time and set a timer for a stop time. Then just start. Your brain helps you keep going once you have started. Outreach and follow up are often things that we put off to do ‘another time’. But if you just get started, you will feel so much better after doing it for an hour, and you will be promoting your business easily.
Stop telling yourself it’s hard
We talk about keeping a positive mindset, but that’s not always easy when you work alone. Positive self talk is an important tool to practice. It starts with telling yourself that you can do something. When you tell yourself it’s going to be hard to do, that’s the attitude you take into the task. If you just stop telling yourself that, you remove that negativity that stops you from getting started.
Because we work alone, it’s essential to learn how to motivate ourselves to get things done – especially promoting our own business. If we don’t keep our business in front of our audience’s eyes, we will not stay top of mind when they need something to help them.
Leaning on others for motivation is okay to do sometimes, but the more you learn to do this yourself, the more productive and happier you will be!
What works for others may not work for you. Figure out what helps you and do more of it!
Do You Need Help?
If you need help getting motivated to build your business, get in touch with me. I’m here to help.
It’s the only reason I’m here at all, as you know. To help you become a ridiculously good VA.
I have helped hundreds of VAs who are stuck get moving through private coaching, group coaching, and live and self study trainings. If you want to talk about how we can work together, let’s connect on a Cut to the Chase call. You can book yours at YourVAMentor.com/chase
What You Need to Do Next:
Let’s work together privately to get you to your really big goal. It’s the fastest way to get results and we can start right away. Learn more about private coaching here.
I have a brand new low-cost monthly membership program that will help you build your VA business – and it doesn’t require you to be on social media! It’s an email membership that I call The Virtual Toolkit! Every Monday morning you’ll receive a lesson and a downloadable resource in your inbox, that you can use to take a step further in your VA business. I’ve created TONS of amazing resources for you – from business foundations and building resources (financial stuff, calculators, productivity, tech tips and tools, website planning guide) to marketing tools (branding worksheet, blogging templates, content calendar, client acquisition, marketing campaign planner) to advanced business skills (package planning, branding tools, onboarding checklist, seo checklist, client management) and personal growth stuff (goal setting worksheet, networking, speaking tips and tools, conflict resolution tips). All of this is available to you for just $9 a month!! You get your first resource as soon as you register, and every Monday morning after that you’ll get a fresh new one. Get more details and sign up here now!
My self study program Getting Started as a VA can help you get your VA business started easily and quickly too. You can sign up right away and be on your way to getting clients by the end of the program, with all the right foundations in place. Check out the program here.
Click here for more tips to help you with your productivity and time management in your Virtual Assistant business.
Reach out to me if you need to talk about where you are stuck and what the right option might be to get you moving. It’s literally all I’m here to do is help you get to where you want to go. Book a complimentary Cut to the Chase call with me here.