If you are still struggling to make your Virtual Assistant business work, I am glad you are here. It’s time for a pep talk!
So much of what we read online tells us what we are doing wrong, or what we should do differently to make our business work.
I decided that today I want to celebrate YOU.
I want to congratulate you for deciding to start.
I want to congratulate you for learning SO many new things (some of which aren’t even interesting or fun!)
I want to congratulate you for doing what so many people never do.
And I want to congratulate you for believing in yourself.
Because when you first started, you believed in yourself.
Do you remember believing in yourself?
You had a vision of what you wanted your VA business to look like.
• You wanted to help people.
• You wanted to be the one in charge of your own income.
• You wanted to decide what you did, and when you did it.
• You wanted to design your business to suit a lifestyle you wanted to live.
And maybe now you are struggling.
I struggled. Some days I still struggle. LOTS of VAs struggle.
But a lot of us don’t talk about it.
We think we should be doing better. We think everyone else has it all figured out. We think we should have all the answers.
I’m here to tell you that there is NO way you should have all the answers to something you have never gone through before.
You can do this. I promise you that.
And you don’t need to do it alone. In fact, you can NOT do it alone.

I have had loads of help over the years, and without it I never would have lasted in this business for almost 23 years. No. Way.
So I urge you to get help today, with whatever you are struggling with. Even if you don’t know what you are struggling with. Especially if you don’t know!
Here are a few ways you can do that, starting right now.
Find an accountability partner.
An accountability partner is the person that you connect with on a regular basis to check in on goals, strategies, and general ‘stuff’ you are doing in your business. Make sure you find someone that won’t let you off the hook for not doing what you say you want to do. And you have to do the same for them in return. You will be each other’s sounding boards, help each other when things get hard, and celebrate when things go well! I have worked with my accountability partner for 10 years and I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.
Join a mastermind group.
A mastermind group is something I have found to be essential in my business. I currently belong to 3 mastermind groups, which I use for different things in my business. When you join a mastermind, you are connecting with several (sometimes many) like-minded people who are all trying to grow their business. In a group, you get a lot more support and attention than working with just a partner or a coach. You will meet regularly and share your successes and struggles. It feels great to have a community that supports you, especially when we are alone so often.
Work with a coach.
I don’t say this just because I am a coach. I work with coaches all the time in my business. I choose who to work with based on what I am trying to accomplish. If I need help with sales, I find a sales coach. If I need help with marketing, I work with a marketing coach. If I need help with mindset… you get the picture. Working with a coach is the quickest way to get the results you want. Find someone that others speak highly of, check them out online, and be sure to have a preliminary conversation with them to see if you think they will be a good fit for you.
But the simplest way to get help for whatever you are struggling with…
Ask for help.
No matter who you connect with in your business every day, they will never know you are having difficulty with something unless you ask for help. To get the right kind of advice or support, ask a very specific question – either post it in a networking group, or private message someone, or email them. But don’t think you need to have all the answers on your own. You don’t. And the answer you need is often just ONE question away.
You’ve got this. I know you do.
Remember why you started your business. Ask specific questions to trusted individuals when you get stuck. Find the support you need and reach out anytime you need to.
I’d love to help you. Join me for the Inspired Action VA Mastermind group. It’s a small group mastermind that meets weekly via Zoom. We can help you make decisions, implement strategies and plans, celebrate successes, and work through losses. It’s just $100/month for 3 months. It’s private coaching for the cost of group coaching. Stop struggling to get through your VA business alone. Join this small group and start taking inspired action to move forward to the success that you want to achieve. Learn more and register here: