Have you ever felt that your clients are interrupting you, or seem too demanding?
Many VAs I know have trouble with clients having expectations that they can’t meet.
They struggle to make deadlines. They work morning, noon and night to get client work done. They are tired. And not very happy.
Sometimes it starts because you allow clients to break your boundaries. Sometimes you don’t have boundaries to begin with.
Either way, the key to happy clients and being a happy VA is setting healthy boundaries.
Just because we are support professionals, does not mean that we have to do everything the client asks for – when they ask for it.
What we need to do is provide the best service and support we can for them – and that means being in charge of our own schedule, so that we are truly managing the tasks we do for them. Not the other way around.

Here are a few boundaries that you should put in place now if you don’t already have them set up:
1. Single Communication Method
Do you allow your clients to contact you via text, instant message, PM, email, Slack, phone, voicemail, Voxer, and more? That makes me tired just thinking about it! In order to streamline all of your communication with your clients, choose ONE method of communication and ensure that both you AND the client stick to it.
When you allow people to reach out to you in more than one way, you run the risk of jumping from platform to platform to communicate with them. Not only can things get lost, but response times become so short when you use an instant platform. Remember, you don’t work on their time, you work on yours.
2. Manage or Eliminate Distractions
How many times have you heard that you need to manage distractions? I know, it seems like they are inevitable. But if you do a really good job at staying focused at the task at hand, you will be able to complete it much more efficiently. And when everything you do becomes more efficient, you’ll actually find more time in your day, every single day.
Turn off your notifications, and instead use your calendar and the alarm function on your phone to schedule breaks to check things like email, social media, voicemail, project management system, etc. When you do this consciously it’s proactive, not reactive, and you will manage your time better.
3. Become Amazing at Time Management
If you often have more client work to do, than day to do it in, you need to get better at managing your time. Are you planning to do more than you actually have time to do in a day? If you are constantly working overtime, it’s time to assess whether that’s necessary, or if something is contributing to make that your reality.
Remember that not everything is urgent. Not all tasks need to be completed right away. Many things can wait. Use your calendar to block out time for each client’s work, and then fit their tasks into those time blocks.
Working alone – from home – is such a great opportunity. As VAs, we get to make our own schedule and set our own rates. But we can also get totally wrapped up in our work, never taking proper breaks, and responding when clients beckon, because we want to help.
But burnout sneaks up on you because you aren’t setting boundaries and managing your time properly. And by the time you realize it, it can be detrimental to your business – and your health.
Follow the tips above to start your journey to being a much more organized, efficient and focused Virtual Assistant today. And kick stress and burnout to the curb!
I’d love to help you start to manage your time better. Private coaching is a great option for getting a lot better at time management quickly. A little strategy, a little accountability, and you’ll be on your way to happier work days. Learn more about private coaching here: www.YourVAMentor.com/services