Have you ever heard the saying 80% of success is just showing up?
The quote is attributed to Woody Allen but many people have also said similar things over the years. And 80% is probably not an actual statistic, but more a feeling. But in my experience it’s absolutely accurate.
If you don’t show up, you can’t do the work you have to do to get to where you want to go.
And of course, doing the work is a big part of your success.
What are you doing in your VA business that is considered showing up?
Are you making connections every day with potential clients?
Are you putting yourself out there so that people can see your expertise?
Are you managing your money well in your business so you can be profitable?
Are you helping others (clients or VAs) to be better in their business?
Showing up is about taking charge of your role as a business owner and becoming better every day.
It’s about taking action on the things that you know you need to do to be successful.
If you are waiting around for someone else to tell you what the next step is, you are doing yourself a disservice.
I know you are brilliant! You have unique skills and personality that your clients need.
But if no one knows about you, you will struggle.
Your comfort zone is not where you make money.
You need to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself (even just a little, to start!) so that you can grow.

I recently took this advice of showing up and I had an incredible experience.
I showed up for a Zoom call with Dan Sullivan, a business coach who runs a 10 billion dollar business (yep, that’s a B). The call was part of a group coaching program I pay to be a part of. We had read his book The Gap and The Gain and this was our author call.
Out of a group of over 50 people, only 5 of us showed up on the call. With a multi-billion dollar coach! It was an intimate call with tons of information and he is so smart I took pages of notes.
And then before the call ended, he called on each of us to ask what our biggest takeaway was. So I got to have a one to one conversation with him. A multi-billion dollar coach. Because I showed up. I have been bouncing off the walls since! What an energy boost!
(And the best part is that even if I wasn’t on that particular call, the group is run by my coach who is a multi-million dollar coach. So I get access to her brain every single day, just for showing up in the group.)
Success is about growth… even in tiny steps.
What can you do today to start showing up?
Here are a few simple things you can do today:
Facebook Intro
Go to that Facebook group you have been lurking in and introduce yourself. Talk about how you help people just like those in the group. Success is about putting yourself out there with confidence!
Social Media Bios
Update your social media bios so that they reflect the enthusiasm and experience that you bring to your client work every day. It’s your time to shine. Success is about sharing your expertise so you can help lots of people!
Reach Out for Help
Reach out to someone to get help with one thing you are struggling with. Admitting you need help with someone is a cornerstone of good business. Success is about recognizing your weaknesses and working to fix them.
Follow Up
Check your connections list and follow up with one or two people that you may have left alone too soon. Remember, we are in the support business – that means helping people. Success is about being there to help others when they are struggling!
Set a Goal
Set a realistic goal to get yourself moving – and share it with someone who can help you remain accountable. Focusing on a goal helps you get to where you want to go faster. Success is about taking action!
Everyone defines success differently, but it’s always about doing better tomorrow than you did yesterday.
You might not be able to have a conversation with a multi-billion dollar coach – but you never know until you start to put yourself out there.
What can you do today that will help you grow and prosper? Find just one thing and do it, and you’ll be on your way to where you want to be.
And remember you never have to do it alone. Find your people, and show up! How different could your life look if you did?
If you have trouble showing up, our Inspired community is the place for you. The Inspired Action VA Mastermind is a tight knit group of professionals who are getting things done in our businesses because we have the support we need to do it. It’s a (very) low-cost, high-value coaching alternative. If you are struggling through your VA business, check out this group to see if it’s the right time for you! Our next session starts in just a few weeks.