If you are wondering if it’s time to raise your Virtual Assistant rates, then it’s probably time.
You have no doubt heard me tell Virtual Assistants that everything is content – and it’s true.
Getting stuck on what to post about is very common – but if you start looking in the right places, you will find that there is so much to draw on in your everyday life.
Everything is content, and content is everywhere.
What do I mean by that?
Well, the most important thing about content is that your clients find it relatable.
Relatable content is simply stuff that your clients will read and find a connection with. When they see it, they will they ‘oh I need that’ or ‘oh I understand that’ or ‘oh that is totally me’.
You know how it works when you see something you yourself relate to.
It is content that stops them from scrolling, and they actually take an interest in what you have put out there.
One of the best ways to create relatable content is to use your everyday activities and interactions for ideas.
Storytelling is a very big trend in content these days.
Sharing a story about something that has happened to you, or something you saw happen to someone else, is a good way to get their attention.
And then of course you bring in a business lesson or tip that anchors the story to the services you offer.

This week alone I have seen posts from people that I follow that have had stories in them like these:
- A trip to the vet, with a lesson about getting someone who knows what they are doing to help with your marketing
- A day in the life, with a lesson in keeping meetings short so you can fit more of them in, and have more valuable conversations
- A personal story of not feeling good enough, with a lesson in building confidence by pursuing challenging goals
- A client success story, with a lesson in raising your rates
- A personal taste of chocolate, cinnamon and a lesson in repurposing content (a popular blog post of mine!) You can read it here. https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2012/01/chocolate-and-cinnamon-and-repackaging-content/
- A laundry folding chore, with a lesson in organization and efficiency (okay, so this one’s also mine and it’s coming to you as my next blog post!)
Anyway, you get the idea.
The point is that when someone starts reading a simple story that they can visualize, you are drawing them in – and when you can find relevant business tips or advice to share along with it, you help that person make a connection with you, and with your expertise.
Making connections is the way to get clients.
And it’s dead easy to find things that are relatable in your everyday life.
Think about what makes you stop your scroll.
Do you feel more connected to the person who posted the story that made you stop, after you have read it?
Usually that’s the case, and it’s why it’s such a good way to create content.
It doesn’t all have to be day in the life stuff, but when you start to look for the lessons that you can share from your everyday interactions, conversations, and adventures, you will have a much easier time with content creation.
It’s why Tiktok is such a popular platform for creators – because they are just sharing their personality and their activities with people – and it keeps their audiences coming back.
The next time you are out at a sporting event, the grocery store, or even sitting at a family function, look for some relatable stories that you can use in your content.
Jot them down in your phone notes app so you don’t forget, and start creating more interesting and fun content today that your audience will want to engage with and look forward to!
What You Should Do Next:

If you need some help creating more engaging content, The Virtual Circle is where you need to be. It is a small group of professional VAs who are getting things done in their business through weekly support and training. It’s a low cost, high-value coaching alternative to private coaching. A monthly mastermind group that helps you get to where you want to go.
If you are struggling through your VA business, check out this group to see if it’s the right time for you!