Getting clients for your VA business isn’t difficult.
Wait, what? I know what you’re thinking!
You have been struggling with getting VA clients. It’s not easy. I must be wrong.
But I’m not wrong.
If you are struggling to get clients, you need to look at what you are actually doing to get them.
I’d be willing to wager that you are doing the wrong things.
Think about it – you are doing the same things over and over, and they aren’t working … that means it’s time to change your strategy.
How do we get more consults for our VA business?
Every single day, you need to be having conversations with potential clients, strategic partners, colleagues and more.
If you are sitting behind your computer waiting for clients to contact you, you need to stop.
If you are trying to build your VA business by waiting for the perfect RFP or job posting to come through, you need to stop.
And if you are scrolling social media all day long looking for someone to say they need a VA, you need to stop.
There is a better way – and it’s the best way to get more consults for your business.

It really is as simple as having conversations with people.
But who, you ask? And where? That the ticket!
To build your business easily, you need to choose a target market – that can be a group of people who do the same thing (ie real estate professionals), or people who are in the same location (ie co-working space or local networking group). The one thing they need to have in common is the services you provide. They need to need the same things!
Then all you have to do is find them where they are hanging out already – in a Facebook group is usually the easiest, or in a local group, or at a regular event. You want to be able to become a part of that community, and start to get to know people.
Then you just need to have daily conversations with people – online, through social media, at events, wherever they are.
It’s getting into the habit of having those daily conversations that will grow your VA business.
Being a part of a community means giving and taking – but you will always be more successful when you give more than you take.
In your daily interactions with people, be helpful. Offer them advice, resources, support, and more to help them with the issues they are facing in ttheir business.
You will get noticed very quickly when you show up consistently and help the people in the group.
The consults come when people see you and begin to trust you – because when they are looking for help, you will be the one they think of.
Try it for yourself for one month – I promise you, you will see a huge difference in your business.
You will become more confident in your business conversations, you will get much more visibility for your own business, and you will get consults.
What You Should Do Next:

If you need some help getting consults for your VA business, The Virtual Circle is where you need to be. It is a small group of professional VAs who are getting things done in their business through weekly support and training. It’s a low cost, high-value coaching alternative to private coaching. A monthly mastermind group that helps you get to where you want to go.
If you are struggling through your VA business, check out this group to see if it’s the right time for you!