Today’s Quote: Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. be led by the dreams in your heart. – Roy T. Bennett
Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant.
Today we are going to talk about your mindset. It’s important to keep checking in on that all the time! Business is hard, and we need to master our mindset to go where we want to go.
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Connect with Tracey D’Aviero, VA Coach and Trainer

Episode Notes:
Today we are going to talk about your mindset. It’s important to keep checking in on that all the time! Business is hard, and we need to master our mindset to go where we want to go.
What you think you become. Buddha
Buddha is smart. Buddha knows that you are responsible for your own happiness, success, and thoughts.
Mindset is incredibly important to keep tabs on when you are a business owner.
There are hard things, and if you let them get the better of you, you will not survive.
What are you thinking of every day that is shaping the way your days go?
If you think you are struggling, you will focus on the struggles.
If you think you are busy, you will find the busy everywhere and feel overwhelmed and behind.
If you think you are great, you will find the greatness in everything you do.
It sounds simple, and it really is.
The more positive you can be – the more positive things you will focus on. And the more positive things will come your way.
If you have ever seen someone on a roll, you can watch how it snowballs.
The same is said for failure. Spirally downward is much easier when it’s all you are thinking about.
So let’s focus on the positive.
Your mind is such a powerful thing. Your brain is. And it will help you as much as you let it. It doesn’t make decisions for you or tell you who to feel, it just naturally leads you in the direction of your thoughts.
So how can we fix a crappy mindset?
First things first – say it out loud!
How many of you spend some days in total silence?
I do – there are days when I realize I haven’t spoken out loud for hours.
We live in our heads, and like I said our brains are powerful things. We don’t even realize how many thoughts we are capable of processing in a second, a minute, an hour.
If we are dreading doing a task or taking a meeting or making a connection or creating a piece of content, we’ll probably put it off and do something that is more fun. But it’s still there in your mind.
Getting things done is much easier when you want to to do it.
So we need to keep ourselves in that frame of mind as much as possible.
Like the golfer or the musician who is on a roll and cranking out the wins, we need to do the same.
Also, it’s more fun!
So what can you do to help your mindset?
Keep it positive. Do whatever you can to help yourself stay in a positive frame of mind. Success journals work – if you are down, you can make a point of remembering things that you have done that went well. Then find the opportunity to do more of those. I know it sounds crazy but talk out loud to yourself. The silence is deafening sometimes. Talk to yourself – read things out loud. It really will help redirect your inner thoughts when you hear and outside voice.
Read every day – reading a business book or blog can really help you find inspiration for your business – whether it’s new strategies to implement, new content to create, new people to connect with … bringing in new stuff every day can be exciting.
Take action every day – sitting around doing the same old same old is going to yield you lousy results. If you are looking for clients, get out there and do it. Make connections. Help people. Talk to people. Every single day. It’s easy to develop a habit of staying behind our computer screen and not actually talking to people but you will be amazed by the growth you can do as a business owner by having real conversations with people (phone, Zoom, in person or in social media groups).
Work in your purpose. VAs love to help others. That’s why a lot of us love what we do and want to help as many people as possible. If you want to stay positive, focus on that. Always think about your purpose and how you are doing so much good for others. Valuing yourself is a really good way to keep your mindset strong and positive.
Do what you do best – nothing makes us negative like when we struggle. Struggling to figure something out, or doing something you don’t like or aren’t good at can really add to the negative attitude. Things take longer, People aren’t the right fit. You find yourself stuck on support chats most of the day. Become a master at what you do and you will have smoother days too.
Be proactive. Don’t let your clients dictate the workload. Be in charge and keep them on their toes to be sending you the pieces you need to get their work done. If you sit around and wait for them it’s very easy to start feeling down. If your client isn’t busy enough, find one that is. A busy and productive VA is a happy one!
One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
This is so true. I am not a big fan of affirmations or intentions of stuff like that but they do work.
Stick up positive messages in your office and work space everywhere. Read them out loud to yourself each morning and any time you need a boost.
And finally, find and rely on your community. A business buddy, an accountability partner, a mastermind group, a trusted group of colleagues. Whatever you can, find people you can talk to – and be sure to focus on positive communication with them. You can talk about your struggles, but always try to find the positives and the way through – don’t just bellyache to each other.
Some days will be hard but setting yourself up to be the best that you can be starts with your mindset.
And the more you can help yourself develop a positive one – and create steps for yourself to shift back into a positive one when you are struggling, the better you will be.
Ridiculously good, in fact!
You’re it, baby. You have to figure it out or it will cut you down. Let’s do it!
Need Some Help?
If you need some help with fixing your mindset, or developing your process to stay in a better frame of mind as a business owner, reach out to me at I’ve helped hundreds of VAs through their challenges and got them on their way to the next thing. I’d love to do the same for you. I do private coaching, and registration for my new mastermind group The Virtual Circle is open now. Maybe one of those is right for you!
That’s all I’ve got for you this week, thanks for tuning in to learn to become a ridiculously good Virtual Assistant.