If you are new to the Virtual Assistant industry, you may not realize that there are many great ways to collaborate with your clients.
This is definitely an area that you want to research, to be sure you can offer your prospective clients more than one option on the logistics of working with you in a virtual relationship.
Finding specific ways you can support your clients is key to signing them easily.
Knowing the answers can be the difference between signing the client during a sales conversation, or being left to simply stay in (and you may have lost your chance!)
I was recently speaking with a new VA and she told me about a prospect call that didn’t end the way she had hoped. She has great service offerings, experience and confidence.
During their conversation, the prospect asked her about her bookkeeping services, she was able to tell him everything except one thing … how to get the work from him to her and back again. The logistics of that part of her service had eluded her. When he said, ‘How would that work?’, she was stuck for an answer.
Had she known the options available, and communicated those with confidence to the potential client, there could potentially have been a closed deal. Because he wasn’t comfortable with her answer, or her single option, he opted to just keep in touch.

How do you handle a situation like that?
We’ve all been there (which is why I know the answer!). You make a single suggestion that you know will work, and then you offer to gather a few other options to send them to the prospect after your call or meeting is over.
After your call, you do just that – you do the research that you should have done when you were putting your service offerings together.
You do the research for the various ways you can collaborate, you check with colleagues for their favourite solutions to the same issue, and you get back to the prospect with an abbreviated list of options, of course with your recommendations for the best option for their business.
Being prepared for every objection or question in a sales call comes from experience, but it’s easy to prepare yourself.
When you are still fairly new in the business by actually going through and asking yourself what questions your potential client will ask you (or ask a friend or colleague to help you with this; it’s invaluable!).
Write the questions down and answer them too. If you don’t have the answer, you need to do more research.
Practice makes perfect, and you will get better at sales conversations the more you do, but helping yourself out by doing a little research will go a long way!
What you should do next:

If you need some help figuring out more about who your clients are and what they need, The Virtual Circle is where you should be.
TVC is a small group of professional VAs who are getting things done in their business through weekly support and training. It’s a low cost, high-value coaching alternative to private coaching.
If you are struggling through your VA business at all it’s time to sign up. Your investment of $129 can translate into clients in just ONE month, because we will help you set up your plan and take those daily actions. Let’s go!