Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant.
Today I want to talk about our colleagues – the other VAs that you have in your community.
Today’s Quote: Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. – Helen Keller
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Connect with Tracey D’Aviero, VA Coach and Trainer

Episode Notes:
So this isn’t an episode where you will learn about mindset, or time management or marketing your VA business. Not really, anyway.
In this episode I want to talk about your VA colleagues.
A supportive network is vital in any industry, but I really think having a solid community around you is essential for Virtual Assistants.
Over the years I have obviously connected with hundreds, maybe even thousands of VAs personally.
I have met a lot of VAs – at all stages of their business.
When I was a VA myself, we used to connect online in forums and attend live events that the associations ran, as often as we could.
We really wanted to get to know one another.
We needed to get to know one another.
It’s not that it has to be lonely to be a VA – but it often is.
You are not meant to do everything on your own when you work for yourself – and by yourself.
You still need community.
And I don’t mean surfing the local VA Facebook group for job opportunities.
I mean really connecting with people.
How many VAs do you actually know and talk with on a regular basis?
That’s what I’m talking about!
I know for me one of the best things I ever did was connect with my VA colleagues – they are the only people that truly understand what we do – what we go through on a daily basis, if I may say that! – and what working with clients is like.
I would be nowhere without my VA colleagues – and I want to make sure that you are becoming a solid part of our community too!
How do our VA colleagues help each other?
Emotional support – this is obviously the one to lead with – it’s the most important!
Our VA friends understand the unique challenges that VAs face – working with clients, managing multiple clients, handling expectations, work life balance.
All the things we talk about all the time on this podcast.
Who do you go to when you have a problem in your VA business?
If you don’t know the answer to that question then you need to be using your community better.
Motivation and encouragement are other big pluses that come from your VA colleagues.
When you need a boost, you can get that.
When you need propping up, you can get that.
And guess what? You can also give it when someone else needs it.
Community is about giving and receiving – and when you show up and get to know your colleagues, you will give and receive exactly what you need.
To be a really good community member, you need to show up regularly – I love to check in with my communities every morning before I start work. It’s a great way to start the day.
If I can give you one piece of advice about showing up – don’t just show up on your bad days. Show up on your good ones too, and show up on the bad and good days of others.
If you need a jumping off point: celebrate wins with people (yours and theirs), check in on hard days (yours and theirs) and brainstorm solutions or ideas (every day).
Using your community for everything you do is the key to building a solid one.
Sharing your knowledge and resources can be invaluable.
And like anything, it goes both ways.
Look to learn about the knowledge and resources of others as well.
Learning from each other is easy – from things like tech tips and productivity hacks, your VA colleagues can share their experiences with you – and often that means a shortcut for you.
These are people that have actually done this thing, or used this software.
They are the ones you want to talk to.
Remember a few episodes ago we talked about social proof – well your social proof can come right from your community. From people you actually know and trust.
It’s awesome.
I consider every person who has done something or worked through something to be a valuable resource to my business, and they can be for you too.
In a group like a mastermind, you can even practice things like talking about your rates, doing a discovery call – role playing is an easy thing to do in a safe space.
You can do it in a free VA group, but usually the more deep stuff you would do in a community that you are investing in.
Building your confidence in any way you can is so important. I am always sharing ways for you to do that, but if you are just listening in and then not putting them into practice you could be holding yourself back from the success you deserve.
I hear often that the newer VAs feel a little uneasy around the veterans – because they think they have it all worked out. Sometimes it can feel intimidating to share something that you think you should already know how to do or say.
But what the key to remember is that we all started right where you are!
I remember after having been in business about 7 years going to my first real networking meeting – and totally bombing my introduction.
If you have done that too, you are my people! LOL
I bombed it for a long time, actually, because I was always trying to do an elevator pitch.
If you listen to any of my podcasts you will know that I despise the elevator pitch.
And yes, that might be because I have bad memories of them, but it’s also because as I have gotten much better at introducing myself to people, I know it is not through the use of an elevator pitch.
Not even close.
And I still hear others trying to introduce themselves in the same manner and I try to teach them a better way.
Being around confident, experienced VAs can help you develop your own confidence.
In fact, I am doing a sort of rebrand for my coaching – because I want to be known as The Confidence Coach for Virtual Assistants.
Nothing fancy, but I feel that this is what I bring to you in all areas of your business – your business setup, setting and raising your rates, communication and boundaries, niche and specialization, self promotion and visibility, decision making, handling criticism and managing expectations, and work life balance and more.
I help you do all of those things more confidently.
But I digress!
Your community can also help you develop confidence as a VA.
They always say surround yourself with the people you want to be like – and that means getting out of the dungeon of a) being alone and b) commiscerating with struggling VAs.
When you show up and complain and the others around you complain also, and offer no solutions, then you know it’s not the right place for you to be.
And yes, sometimes there is a reality check – like me or someone else says ‘stop doing that, do this instead’, but that’s a GOOD thing.
Even if it feels like it is shining a light on your for doing the ‘wrong’ thing now, KNOW that it’s always coming from a place of ‘oh man, I remember doing that too, here is the better way. Trust me.’
Confidence is a tough thing to build on your own. Use your community!
So how can we support each other?
Accountability Groups and Partners – I have been working with an accountability partner for years. I have gone through a few to get to my ride or die LOL.
I had some duds, so keep at it if you are looking for someone to work with.
Often a group is a better option, and of course my monthly mastermind TVC is the best place I think to get that regular accountability.
Why pay for a group? Because then you really show up and you really use it.
I have been a part of free accountability groups and I find that I don’t the same kind of support. It can become a water cooler, and the accountability can slide because we are all busy.
You can certainly do either, but if you are struggling then often it’s best to join a structured group that you pay for.
Resource sharing – being able to share tools, templates and tips that you have used, and get the same from others who have used them, can help you create great systems in your business.
Of course when you join TVC you get access to all of my resources – you get the weekly TVT but also anything that you need I also send you.
Referrals – when you get to know your colleagues, you can refer business to them and they can refer business to you. We all have our own strengths and services and sometimes the people we come into contact with don’t need what we do, but we want to help them find a great VA.
Being able to share someone that you know does great work is a great feeling. Many of our TVC members have referred clients to each other over the years.
Working Together – maybe you’ll even collaborate to do something together, or help each other out when you have too much client work or when you are going on vacation.
Again it’s about having trusted people around you – for the advice you share with each other, and for the good work you do for your clients.
In The Virtual Circle we also do a monthly training so you are always building your knowledge base too.
Supporting each other starts with reaching out. And then it continues with showing up and being a part of the group.
Let’s circle back to today’s quote from Helen Keller: Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.
You’re not meant to do it all yourself. No one is. Stop trying to! Find your community and use it. That’s how it is supposed to be.
I’m going to leave it off here for today, but I want you to think about who you are connecting with every day.
How do you feel every day when you start working?
How do you feel during the day when things are tough?
Who are you talking to about it?
What do you wish things could look like?
If I asked you to reach out to one person to talk about a problem you are having right now, who would that person be?
You don’t have to go far to find your people. We are right here!
I am right here. I can help.
You can do this. It’s time. I’m here to help. It’s the only reason I’m here at all, is to help you become a ridiculously good VA. But it’s you who has to take that first step.
It’s the only reason I’m here at all, is to help you become a ridiculously good VA. But it’s you who has to take that first step.
I have helped hundreds of VAs who are stuck get moving forward. I offer private coaching, and a variety of group and self study training and coaching options that help them get there.
Take the first step to join The Virtual Circle today. Membership starts at just $49 per month and you will get the support, training, resources and community that you need for your VA business.
Check it out at yourvamentor.com/TVC and drop me a message if you want to chat about how to join us.
Do You Need Help?
If you are looking to build the kind of business I’m talking about – a 50K and beyond VA business, that’s where I can help. I am here to help you become a ridiculously good VA.
I have helped hundreds of VAs who are stuck get moving through private coaching, my monthly mastermind group The Virtual Circle, my group coaching program 50K Bootcamp, and my self study trainings like my Getting Started program, my monthly email membership The Virtual Toolkit, and more. If you are ready to get my help, let’s connect on a Cut to the Chase call. You can book yours at YourVAMentor.com/chase
Thank you again for trusting me to teach you and to guide you. I truly love to be here for you every week.
If I could ask you a favour – to subscribe to the podcast or leave me a review if you haven’t already. That’s something I should say every week and I never really do. But it matters and it will make sure that I know you are finding value in what I create just for you every week.
What You Need to Do Next:
PRIVATE COACHING: Let’s work together privately to get you to your really big goal. It’s the fastest way to get results and we can start right away. Learn more about private coaching here.
GROUP COACHING MASTERMIND: The Virtual Circle is a group coaching mastermind option that costs less than private coaching, and can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself. . Check it out here: The Virtual Circle Group Coaching Mastermind for Virtual Assistants . We’d love to have you join us!
50K VA GROUP COACHING PROGRAM: If you have been struggling to build your VA business, get in on this live coaching program where we will help you create the framework for a business that can earn you 50K a year and beyond. LAUNCHING FALL 2024, stay tuned!
MONTHLY EMAIL MEMBERSHIP: I also have a brand new low-cost monthly membership program that will help you build your VA business – and it doesn’t require you to be on social media! It’s an email membership that I call The Virtual Toolkit! Every Monday morning you’ll receive a lesson and a downloadable resource in your inbox, that you can use to take a step further in your VA business. Get more details and sign up here now!
SELF STUDY PROGRAM: My self study program Getting Started as a VA can help you get your VA business started easily and quickly too. You can sign up right away and be on your way to getting clients by the end of the program, with all the right foundations in place. Check out the program here.
COMPLIMENTARY CONSULT: Reach out to me if you need to talk about where you are stuck and what the right option might be to get you moving. It’s literally all I’m here to do is help you get to where you want to go. Book a complimentary Cut to the Chase call with me here.