Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant.
Today I want to continue my celebration of reaching 100 episodes for my podcast, by showcasing my top 10 episodes.
Today’s Quote: Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. – Albert Einstein
Click the play button above to tune in, or choose your favourite podcast player below:

Connect with Tracey D’Aviero, VA Coach and Trainer

Episode Notes:
When I first decided to do a podcast for you (and for me, truthfully!), I did a lot of research. I knew what kind of content I wanted to provide, but was that something you would tune in to hear every week?
That’s what I needed to know.
After doing 100 episodes, I can honestly say that yes it is something you enjoy. I appreciate every single one of you, and the time you take to learn from me.
And with that I want to actually start this episode by referring to our quote:
It’s from Albert Einstein and the reason I chose it is that a) it talks about education which is what I try to provide you with every day, and b) it showcases what I think is so important about learning.
It’s not the facts you learn, but realizing that you are capable of anything – when you just think, and ask the right questions, and then take the right action.
Training of the mind to think – when we learn to do that, we carve the right path. We focus on the right things. We make better decisions. We communicate better with the people around us.
Sound familiar? It’s kind of all the stuff I teach you in this podcast. And in my business.
So many VAs I know are voracious learners, and that’s a good thing. In the ever-changing online world we need to be able to learn and adapt what we do, how we do it.
We need to be willing to stay on top of trends so we don’t get left behind the others that do.
We need to be able to help others do the same. There is always another new platform or app coming along that can change what we do and how we do it.
The key is to monitor those things and learn only what you need to learn right now – so you can implement it.
Are you implementing what you learn in this podcast each week?
I know the topics are different every week, but if you can take just one thing from each podcast episode that you can implement into your business right away, then you have learned – and you have trained your mind to think.
Look at that!
So today I want to showcase my top 10 episodes of the podcast so far, as a continuation of my reaching 100 episodes last week.
I’ll share the podcast title and some info about it.
If you did listen to it, what did you implement from it?
If you didn’t, be sure to tune in and make some notes so you can uplevel your business one step at at time.
Here we go:
In true David Letterman style, we will do them in reverse order, starting with number 10:
10 – Raising Your Virtual Assistant Rates The Right Way
One of the most popular topics in the VA circles is rates. When we start our VA business we often struggle with confidence that anyone will even hire us = and we don’t know how to talk about money. No one taught us that (and somehow it’s something we think we should just know!) So we simply set our rates – most times too low, and then we are stuck having to tell our amazing first clients that we need more money.
In this episode, we talk about some reasons that you might need to raise your rates, what you need to do first, when it’s the right time to raise your rates, and how to handle the raise with your clients.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2023/02/podcast-raising-your-virtual-assistant-rates-the-right-way/
9 – Getting Virtual Assistant Clients – It’s Who You Know
Of course all VAs talk about getting clients. Without clients we have no VA business. But it’s the struggle with getting clients that is the key discussion in our communities. Once again, this is something that no one taught us, but for some reason we think we should know. Newsflash – you shouldn’t already know it. You need to learn. And once you do, you will have lots of clients – great ones.
In this episode, that’s what I talk about. Networking is the key to getting real quality clients – and I share so much information that you will definitely be able to pick one thing to implement right away. Building a great business really is about who you know – but you don’t already have to know them. You need to know where to find them, and then become a part of the community that they are already in. Not sure what to say when you are in a networking situation? The answers are in this podcast episode!
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2023/04/podcast-getting-virtual-assistant-clients-its-who-you-know/
8 – Brilliant Business Communication For Virtual Assistants
It’s no secret that communication is one of the most important skills to master as a VA. Working virtually, there can be a lot of room for confusion. Your client sends you an email, you email back to ask for clarification, you think you understand, and you proceed. Oh, and let’s not forget that you are doing the same thing with all of your other clients too.
In this episode, we talk about 10 tips to vastly improve your business communication now – and why that is so important. Business communication is a skill that needs to be learned (and mastered) by VAs. you can do it – tune in to this episode to learn how!
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2022/07/podcast-brilliant-business-communication-for-virtual-assistants/
7 – You Are Already Qualified To Be A Ridiculously Good Virtual Assistant
Do you think you need to learn how to offer social media services to be a VA? You aren’t the only one who comes into our industry thinking something like that.
I get questions all the time – ‘what services are popular’? And while that’s not a terrible question, it certainly makes it hard for you to start a business.
The way I see it (and the way I teach it) is that you have enough to learn about setting up and running a business, getting clients, and managing client expectations, why do you want to dump learning a brand new skill on top of that?
In this episode, I tell you what the biggest ‘complaints’ clients have about VAs, and why you already know what services to offer them (that you excel at!) This one’s an important one, definitely check it out!
6 – Choosing a VA Niche To Work With Is Easy (And Necessary!)
I talk about target market all the time – many people call it a niche – but it’s essential that you get really focused on who you can help best. It will make everything in your VA business just… easier.
You have a specialty – if you don’t know what it is, you haven’t done the work to identify it yet. You can do it!
In this episode I describe the difference in trying to help everyone, and trying to help the people you are best suited to help. The second one is so much easier.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2023/03/podcast-choosing-a-va-niche-to-work-with-is-easy-and-necessary/
5 – The Truth About Billing Your VA Clients By The Hour
I’m spilling the secrets in this episode – how to bill your clients so that they get value and you get paid well. Isn’t that all you want? It’s what I want! And lots of your VA colleagues too.
Billing by the hour doesn’t mean trading time for dollars, at least it shouldn’t. In this episode, I talk about why you do need to work with your time and work pace, but you don’t necessarily have to track every minute to bill your clients.
It’s the truth – and I unravel it here for you.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2023/03/podcast-the-truth-about-billing-your-va-clients-by-the-hour/
4 – In-Demand Services For Virtual Assistants
Curious to know what clients are looking for? I’m sure you are! This episode is about framing 5 popular services that clients need and value in their business.
The key for you is to see which of these you fit into – so you can get yourself out there. And guess what, you may already been doing one of them!
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2022/09/podcast-in-demand-services-for-virtual-assistants/
3 – What Makes a Ridiculously Good Virtual Assistant
When I named my podcast, I wanted to name it something that means something to you … that would describe what you want to be. But I also say this all the time. Ridiculously good. When something is ridiculously good, it means that you can’t put into words how good it is.
That’s what I want your clients to think of you. That’s why I do this podcast and teach you guys and coach you guys. I want you to be the best you can be.
In this episode, I give you 10 things to work on right now to uplevel yourself, and your VA business. Stand out from the crowd, and your clients will notice!
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2022/07/podcast-what-makes-a-ridiculously-good-virtual-assistant/
2 – Create a Simple Business Plan for Virtual Assistants
Planning is the most important thing that you can use to get the results you want. More money, more clients, better clients, better time management, better support, whatever. When you write it all out, you can visualize it better.
You can see the gaps or holes, and what you need help with. You can see your strengths. You can map out the steps you need to take to get you to each milestone.
In this episode, I share what you should include in your business plan – and it’s not as challenging as you think. You will know when you do this what you still need help with, and what you don’t. You are farther along than you think!
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2022/07/podcast-create-a-simple-business-plan-for-your-va-business/
1 – How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone for Virtual Assistants
This was my first ever podcast episode. It might be bumpy, I don’t remember, I’m certain I’ve gotten better at it since I started, but I love that it is still being listened to every single week.
Getting out of your comfort zone is essential in business. You have to do things you have never done before. You have to make decisions. You have to learn a lot.
I hope that this episode can help you see some of the areas that you can get moving, if you are stuck. That’s my intention.
Moving forward is the one thing you can do in tiny steps every single day, to build the VA business that you dream of.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2022/07/podcast-how-to-get-out-of-your-comfort-zone/
That’s 10! But wait, that’s not all.
I’ve got a couple of honourable mention episodes too – because certainly some of the episodes I covered in the top10 are there because they have been published since 2022.
I have two more that I want to highlight as well, because they are some of my most downloaded episodes but they were only published very recently.
FAQ – 20 Questions About Starting Your VA Business
I answer questions every single day about becoming a VA. Many of them are very similar, and so I decided to do a podcast episode that you can listen to at your leisure to get the answers you need.
It’s flying off the shelves – you love it. I’d love to hear from you, if you have a question that was not covered in this FAQ episode, let me know!
It can be scary to start a business (there is so much to learn) so if I can help you in any way at all, that’s what I’m here for.
Say it with me – to help you become a Ridiculously Good Virtual Assistant.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2024/02/podcast-20-questions-about-starting-a-virtual-assistant-business-faq/
and of course
How to Find a Virtual Assistant Client In A Week
Gee I wonder why this episode is so popular out of the gate!
Finding clients is the number one thing that VAs need help with.
As I’ve said earlier today, there are many reasons for tis – but it still often comes down to simply not learning how to do this.
In this episode I talk about the key things you need to focus on in order to create a strategy to actual find clients. Don’t be the VA who waits for inquiries or who spends all day on social media checking for job posts.
Instead, do real things that will connect you with the right people who could be your clients.
Listen here: https://www.yourvamentor.com/blog/2024/03/podcast-how-to-find-a-virtual-assistant-client-in-a-week/
So there you have it, my top 10 podcast episodes (plus a couple of bonus ones).
Check them all out and as I mentioned in the beginning of the episode, implement a tip, an idea, a strategy, a plan from each of them.
I promise you that when you focus on what you can do (real stuff) to be a successful VA, you will find the success.
I guess this episode is kind of your shortcut to get there.
As Einstein says, don’t just learn facts, but teach your brain to think – to think like a successful VA.
You can do it, and I’m here to help!
Do You Need Help?
If you need help mastering your communication, get in touch with me. I’m here to help. It’s the only reason I’m here at all, as you know. To help you become a ridiculously good VA.
I have helped hundreds of VAs who are stuck get moving through private coaching, group coaching, and live and self study trainings. If you want to talk about how we can work together, let’s connect on a Cut to the Chase call. You can book yours at YourVAMentor.com/chase
Thanks for tuning in this week! I’ll see you next time!
What You Need to Do Next:
Let’s work together privately to get you to your really big goal. It’s the fastest way to get results and we can start right away. Learn more about private coaching here.
The Virtual Circle (TVC) is a monthly mastermind group for Virtual Assistants just like you. We get together 3 times a month for group Zoom sessions to talk about what you are struggling with, working on, or celebrating. It’s a close knit community of your VA colleagues that provides the best kind of support for your VA business. Learn more about TVC here.
My self study program Getting Started as a VA can help you get your VA business started easily and quickly too. You can sign up right away and be on your way to getting clients by the end of the program, with all the right foundations in place. Check out the program here.
Click here for more tips to help you with your productivity and time management in your Virtual Assistant business.
Reach out to me if you need to talk about where you are stuck and what the right option might be to get you moving. It’s literally all I’m here to do is help you get to where you want to go. Book a complimentary Cut to the Chase call with me here.