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Podcast: Setting Your VA Business Up for Success in 2025

Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant.

Today I want to talk about getting ready for the new year, by confidently planning for your goals and setting up or tweaking systems to make it happen.

Today’s Quote: Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. — Abraham Lincoln

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Setting Your VA Business Up for Success in 2025

Episode Notes:

Today, we’ll talk about setting clear goals, streamlining your systems, and building the confidence you need to elevate your VA business. I’ll give you some actionable steps to take and the motivation to get started. Get ready to take some notes, and don’t forget to share this episode with a fellow VA who could use a little extra inspiration for the new year!

Setting Clear Goals

Let’s start with goals. Without a clear destination, it’s easy to feel like you’re spinning your wheels or staying stuck in the same place. Setting goals gives you focus, direction, and something to work toward.

But here’s the thing—your goals need to be more than just “I want to earn more money” or “I want more clients.” They need to be specific and actionable.

Enter the SMART goals framework. If you’re not familiar, SMART stands for:

  • Specific – What exactly do you want to achieve?
  • Measurable – How will you know you’ve achieved it?
  • Achievable – Is it realistic based on your current resources?
  • Relevant – Does this goal align with your long-term vision?
  • Time-bound – When will you achieve it?

For example, instead of saying, “I want more clients,” you could say, “I will onboard three new clients by the end of Q1 2025.”

When you get really clear on your goals, you can set the right action places in step to reach them. A VA recently came to me because she had no clients, and she didn’t know how to keep going. We started by addressing the biggest issue – she didn’t have a target market. So everything she was putting out there in her marketing, networking, any conversations she was having, was too general to land with anyone. We set a goal of getting her one client in 30 days and we started working with a proper strategy. Her goal was SMART – and she got her client, then she got another and another because all she had to do was repeat the process she now had. Goal matter. SMART goals work.

Think about your goals for 2025 – they don’t have to just be about getting clients. You can set goals in lots of areas:

  • Financial: How much do you want to earn monthly or yearly?
  • Clients: How many clients would be ideal, and what type of work do you want to focus on?
  • Skills: Is there a course or training you’d like to complete to level up your services?

Action Step: Take a moment after this episode to write down 1-3 big goals for 2025. Be specific, and don’t forget to make them SMART!

Streamlining Systems and Processes

Next up, let’s talk systems. Having solid systems in place is like having a well-oiled machine for your business. They help you save time, reduce stress, and provide a seamless experience for your clients.

There are three core areas you should focus on:

  1. Client Onboarding and Communication: Do you have a clear, repeatable process for welcoming new clients? This might include a welcome email, contract templates, or onboarding questionnaires.
  2. Task Management and Productivity: Tools like Asana, Trello, or GQueues can help you stay organized. If you’re juggling multiple clients, having all your tasks in one place is a lifesaver.
  3. Financial Tracking and Invoicing: Are you using a tool like QuickBooks or Wave to stay on top of income and expenses? Tracking your finances regularly will make tax season much less stressful.

A lot of VAs think that systems are your procedures – how you do this task or that task for your clients. But there are so many systems you need for your business too. I worked with a VA once who just could not get her own systems set up. She was very busy with client work and she left her own stuff to last, like many VAs did. We took the time to write it all out and get things streamlined in her business as a result. Not only did she get herself organized and running smoothly, she set up a systems package for her clients that she then started offering as well. Most of the things we do well for ourselves can be client tasks!

Action Step: Choose one system in your business to improve this month. It could be as simple as creating a better workflow for your daily tasks or refining your client onboarding process.

Building Confidence and Resilience

Finally, let’s talk about confidence. Confidence isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have if you want to grow your VA business. When you’re confident, you attract better clients, communicate your value effectively, and set boundaries with ease.

But let’s be real—confidence doesn’t always come naturally. It’s something you build over time.

Here are three ways to boost your confidence as a VA:

  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk: Pay attention to the way you talk to yourself. Replace thoughts like “I can’t charge that much” with “My skills and expertise are worth every penny.”
  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Whether it’s landing a new client or completing a challenging project, take time to acknowledge your achievements.
  3. Say “No” When Necessary: Confidence also means setting boundaries. Saying “no” to a client or project that doesn’t align with your goals is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Finding your confidence can be tough. We work alone all day long. We beat ourselves up more than anyone else. The negative thoughts that our brain hears are plenty. I’ve told you before it takes 5 positive thoughts for your brain to shift from a negative state. Imagine the change you could make if you gave your brain the opportunity to hear 5X more positive talk than negative? That’s why joining a mastermind group like The Virtual Circle is so important for your VA business. Not only do you hear positive stuff from the others in the group towards you, but you also will SAY more positive stuff to others. And it’s contagious, it really is. Positivity breeds positivity. I know this from personal experience. Don’t sit and wallow in your negativity. Take the step to be positive and celebratory! You will not regret it.

Every VA faces setbacks, whether it’s losing a client or dealing with a tough project. Resilience is what helps you bounce back stronger. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Action Step: Identify one area in your business or life where you’d like to feel more confident. Commit to taking one small action this week to build that confidence.

Let’s revisit today’s quote: Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. — Abraham Lincoln

Efficiently implementing the actions it takes to run your amazing VA business means planning – and all that means is knowing what you need to be doing and when – and why your are doing it. What leads into it and what happens next. When you are really focused on success, these things are important and necessary. Clarity will show you the path and you will be able to walk it easily and efficiently.

Do You Need Help?

I hope you’re feeling inspired and ready to take action. If you need extra support, check out The Virtual Circle, or book a call with me to talk about how I can help you grow your VA business.

I’m going to leave it here for this week, but I do hope to hear from you. I’d love to have you in the mastermind group – success will follow!

I’m Tracey DAviero, Confidence Coach for VAs and I’ll see you next time!