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Podcast: Mindset Shifts to Help You Stop Settling For Any Old VA Client

Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant.

Today I want to talk about settling for just any client, and why you shouldn’t be doing that.

Today’s Quote: Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.

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Mindset Shifts to Help You Stop Settling For Any Old VA Client

Episode Notes:

Today let’s talk about something that is crucial for your success as a virtual assistant, your mindset.

If you want to attract the best clients, the ones who respect you, value your work, and pay you well, then it all starts with what is going on in your head.

If you have ever struggled with setting your rates, dealing with imposter syndrome, or feeling like you have to take on any client who comes your way, this episode is for you. I am going to walk you through the mindset shifts that will help you stop settling for just any clients and start bringing in the right ones.

Mindset Shift #1: You Are a Business Owner, Not an Employee

One of the biggest mindset traps I see new and even experienced VAs fall into is thinking like an employee instead of a business owner. You are not applying for a job. You are not attending an interview. You are not hoping to get picked. You are running a business. That means you get to decide who you work with, what you charge, and how you structure your services.

Think about it. Would a web designer or a marketing consultant take on any client who comes their way, regardless of fit? No. They know that they bring value to the table and that their expertise is worth something. You need to adopt that same mindset.

Diana Lidstone, a coach I used to work with (and a wonderful colleague!) gave me a great piece of advice once. She said ‘Detach yourself from the outcome of the conversation.’

What that meant was not to try to get a YES from every sales conversation, or from every interaction with people that you are networking with. She went on to explain that when you just try to see if someone is a fit, or if you can help them, or if you know someone else that can help them, that the conversations become so much more effortless. So much more meaningful and genuine – and you get to make that choice.

Is this a good client for me? If not, move on. And you get to decide a lot more than that too. Just because you are talking to them does not mean that you have to help them with whatever they say they need help with. Stick to your best services, and you will get the best clients FOR YOU.

Mindset Shift #2: You Deserve to Be Paid Well

Let’s talk about money, because I know this is a tough one for so many VAs. If you constantly feel like you have to compete on price, or that clients will not pay higher rates, you are already setting yourself up for struggle. The truth is, the best clients are not looking for the cheapest option. They are looking for the best option.

When you believe in the value of what you offer, you will attract clients who see that value too. If you do not believe it, you will attract clients who question your rates, ask for discounts, and try to squeeze extra work out of you for free.

I help VAs get better clients all the time. Every day that I am here for you as a VA coach and trainer, it’s to help you do better. To be better. And to find better clients.

Low paying clients will make you struggle.

They will nickel and dime you, they will treat you like that employee that you are not. Because they are more concerned with the expense of getting help than they are with the value of getting help. What can your clients do because you are helping them? Can they do more networking? Can they create more solutions for their clients? Can they provide a higher level of service for their clients? Can they take a vacation because you have their day to day stuff under control?

High paying clients are focused on their business doing well, and they know that they need help to do it. You are that help!

Mindset Shift #3: Boundaries Are a Must, Not a Maybe

Great clients respect boundaries, and if you want to attract them, you need to set them. This means having clear working hours, payment terms, and expectations for communication. It also means saying no to clients who do not respect your time or try to take advantage of you.

Many VAs worry that setting boundaries will scare clients away, but let me tell you, the right clients will appreciate them. They do not want a frazzled VA who answers emails at all hours and burns out. They want a professional who is in control of their time and business.

One of the biggest problems that I hear business owners having with VAs is that they ghost them.

Believe it or not! And why does that happen? Because the VA doesn’t set boundaries, most times. If you have a communication boundary (mine was a 15 minute production call every week, and the rest through email or our project management system – and I sent a recap email at the end of every week with a summary of project status) then your client’s expectations are set. They know when they will receive updates, when and how to ask questions, and so on. If they stray outside those boundaries, then you have to hold them to them. You have to hold yourself to them.

Nothing bad ever came from setting and holding a boundary. Everyone is happier, but you have to communicate it clearly and you have to consistent with whatever your processes are.

Mindset Shift #4: Confidence Attracts the Right Clients

The best clients are drawn to confident service providers. If you are hesitant about your skills, doubting your abilities, or constantly seeking approval, you will attract clients who mirror that energy. These are the ones who micromanage, question everything, or do not fully trust you.

Confidence does not mean you know everything. It means you believe in your ability to figure things out. It means you are willing to communicate your expertise and guide your clients, rather than waiting for them to tell you what to do.

Confidence is a skill that you have to learn, but luckily it’s not hard. That’s what I help VAs with all the time. Realizing that they know more than they think they do, helping them communicate that well to their clients, and ultimately letting their clients know that they’ve GOT them.

If you don’t seem like you are confident in running a meeting, the client will. You are the VA, the contractor – you should be setting the agenda and managing the meeting so it stays on time and you get the information you need to do the work the client wants done.

If you are new to a software, you can tell the client that, and then figure it out, but if you wait to be walked through every little thing, the client will treat you like an employee – because you are acting like one.

Take charge. Give yourself the confidence that you can do this. And if you don’t know how to do something and you aren’t good at learning, turn the work down. It’s not our job to do whatever our clients ask us to do – we are business owners who have certain expertise, and that’s what our clients should be getting our help with.

I took social media management right out of my services early on when I was working with business coaches. I wasn’t good at creating content and that’s the kind of support a lot of my clients wanted – and they wanted ads support which I definitely wasn’t good at. So I focused on a lot of their other marketing and client care work, and we found someone who could help them with their social media. Win win!

Mindset Shift #5: Not Every Client Is Meant for You

I know it is tempting to say yes to every potential client, especially when you are trying to build your business. But not every client is the right fit, and that is okay. The best VAs do not take on every client. They take on the right clients.

If you have a client who does not respect your time, pays late, or constantly asks for discounts, that is a sign they are not the right fit for you. The sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can create space for clients who truly appreciate what you bring to the table.

This is the big one, right? Not every client is a good client. You get to be selective. And you should be. Not everyone fits our personality. Not everyone acts the way we want them to, even if we have boundaries in place. Not everyone is a good communicator.

I’ve told the story of the creative client I had who had no idea that she was inundating my inbox with questions and updates – and over ONE weekend she sent me over 80 emails. I had to fire her.

She was awesome, I really liked her as a person. Her work was interesting too. But I didn’t have to work with someone who couldn’t organize themselves enough to communicate well.

We tried, she tried, and after that weekend I told her nope. She had NO idea she had sent that many. How could she not? I don’t know. But it wasn’t okay anymore.

And you get to decide too – hopefully you will nip a problem like this in the bud (I sure do now!), and you will never start working with someone who isn’t a good fit. But if you don’t, know that you can move on from a client anytime you want.

So, let’s recap. That’s mindset.

And that’s how you understand just how great you are.

And that’s how you communicate to your clients and your potential clients how great you are.

Let’s circle back to today’s quote from Henry Ford: ‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.’ Get your mindset where it needs to be. (hint hint, think you CAN!)

If you want to attract the best virtual assistant clients, you need to:

  1. Think like a business owner, not an employee.
  2. Believe you deserve to be paid well.
  3. Set and enforce boundaries.
  4. Show up with confidence.
  5. Be selective about who you work with.

Now, here is my challenge for you. Take a few minutes today to reflect on where your mindset might be holding you back. Are you undervaluing yourself? Are you working with clients who do not respect your time? Are you hesitating to raise your rates? Pick one mindset shift to work on this week and take action.

Don’t settle for any old client. Go find your best clients!

Do You Need Help?

And if you need support in building your confidence and finding the right clients, I would love to help. I am here for one reason only, to help you become a ridiculously good VA. Send me an email or DM me to chat about what you are struggling with, and talk about what your next step needs to be to move forward.

Thanks for tuning in, I’m Tracey D’Aviero, Confidence Coach for VAs and I’ll see you next time!

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