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3 Challenges to Being a Virtual Assistant (and how to fix them!)

Running a business is challenging, and a VA business is no different. If you are struggling, it’s normal. There are a lot of challenges that a VA can face, without realizing that they are even struggling. Here are three big ones (and how to fix them!) 1. Loneliness Working by yourself is so appealing when you first start out. No distractions, no interruptions, no one else making decisions except you. It’s pure bliss! But soon enough, the solitude can really weigh on you. It doesn’t happen for everyone, but it’s very common, and if you are experiencing loneliness, know that it’s perfectly normal. But you do have to get out of it! How to fix it: Find a trusted small… Read More »3 Challenges to Being a Virtual Assistant (and how to fix them!)

Can You Really Make a Living as a Virtual Assistant?

If you have just discovered the Virtual Assistant industry, it may sound too good to be true. Can you really make a living working from home? The idea of working from home, setting your own schedule, and being there for your family sounds great when you are slugging it out every day at a job you don’t like. But it’s a scary leap, to leave the comfort of collecting a regular paycheque, to being a Virtual Assistant, isn’t it? I get this question all the time from women who want to know… can you really make a living as a VA? The answer is, of course, yes. However there are many factors that come into play to come up with… Read More »Can You Really Make a Living as a Virtual Assistant?

How I Got My First VA Client

If you are still struggling to get that first client (or that first great client), this is what you need to do. One of the things many Virtual Assistants struggle with is getting their first client. There is so much anxiety around getting clients – especially that first one – that we can often be overcome and get paralyzed. And nothing happens. We try to adjust our services. We try to adjust our rates. We apply for countless RFPs and hear nothing back. Or worse yet, we take any work someone offers us because we don’t want to miss out on money – and we hate it. The one thing that VAs who are struggling to get great clients are… Read More »How I Got My First VA Client

5 Routines You Can Implement Now To Become a More Efficient Virtual Assistant

If you are not working with regular routines in your VA business, and instead handling everything ‘as it comes up’, you are probably wasting time and risking burnout. Routines are an excellent way to bring regularity into your VA business. All business owners have lots of balls in the air, and it’s important to manage them well regularly, so none of them drop. One of the best ways you can manage your ever-changing workload is to implement regular routines that can help you to keep on top of what needs doing, prioritize it accordingly, and get it done. Routines improve your productivity and efficiency – and they don’t have to be boring. First, here are some ‘don’t do this’ tips… Read More »5 Routines You Can Implement Now To Become a More Efficient Virtual Assistant

Show Up To Be A More Successful VA

Have you ever heard the saying 80% of success is just showing up? The quote is attributed to Woody Allen but many people have also said similar things over the years. And 80% is probably not an actual statistic, but more a feeling. But in my experience it’s absolutely accurate. If you don’t show up, you can’t do the work you have to do to get to where you want to go. And of course, doing the work is a big part of your success. What are you doing in your VA business that is considered showing up? Are you making connections every day with potential clients? Are you putting yourself out there so that people can see your expertise?… Read More »Show Up To Be A More Successful VA

Why Aren’t You Making Enough Money as a VA?

When I coach Virtual Assistants around money, we often come to an uncomfortable conversation. I have to ask pointed and direct questions. It’s not to be mean or catch them off guard. It’s to get to the real issue behind something they are struggling with. Recently, I had a conversation with a VA who wanted to package her services. Actually, more accurately – her business coach wanted her to package her services so she could make more money each month. That’s always a funny piece of advice to me… a business coach is directing someone to do something. (That’s not the role of a business coach, fyi). I mean, it sounds good. The coach wants you to make more money.… Read More »Why Aren’t You Making Enough Money as a VA?

A Better Way to Measure Your Success as a VA

When I ask you if your VA business is successful, how do you measure that? Some of the common ways people measure success are: how much revenue they are bringing in, how profitable they are, how many clients they have. And we always talk about growing. Growth. Building our business. It can kind of be daunting to always talk about growing. That’s why when I learned something new this week, I wanted to make sure to share it with you. Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy are the authors of a great book called The Gap and the Gain. We recently read it in my business book club. The concept is super simple, but so amazing. It’s this: when we talk… Read More »A Better Way to Measure Your Success as a VA

How to Improve Your Self-Confidence As a VA

How would you rate your self-confidence as a Virtual Assistant? Are you near the top of the scale? Or are you closer to the bottom? If you’re near the bottom, don’t worry – it’s not just you (and it’s easier to fix than you think!) I read the most interesting fact recently. Most women won’t apply for a job unless they meet 100 per cent of the qualifications. Men will respond if they have only 60 per cent of the qualifications. Well it was a fact shared by Sheryl Sandberg, but I can tell you in my experience that it’s absolutely true. I see VAs all the time who will not put their hat in the ring for an RFP… Read More »How to Improve Your Self-Confidence As a VA