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How To Take Time Off From Your VA Business

Is your VA business set up for the unexpected? I recently had to take some personal time away from my business. I had no notice – it was a family emergency – and I had to be off right away. There will be a time in your business when you need to be off – whether unexpectedly or planned – hello, vacation? –  🙂 When we first start our business, we often don’t think of this until we need it. That’s normal. So if you have not got yours set up yet, here are a few tips for you: 1. Write everything down. Build procedures for each of the tasks that you perform in your business. Write them down and… Read More »How To Take Time Off From Your VA Business

What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

How’s it going in your VA business? Are you happy? Fulfilled? Excited to get to work every day? Okay maybe that last one might be a stretch every day (!) but if your business is not exciting for you – and if you aren’t generally happy to do what you do, it’s time to step back and take a quick assessment. What is your biggest struggle with your VA business? When I ask VAs this I usually get the following answers: not enough clients, not enough money, not enough time to market or network … that type of thing. It’s always a matter of not enough of one thing and too much of another. Many of these problems have very simple solutions.… Read More »What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

5 Great Things About Turning 50!

This week I turned 50 years old. 50! Holy cow. It looks pretty good from up on top of this hill. I can look around and reflect on where I have been and where I am going. In my travels, I have Googled turning 50 (I Google everything!), and this neat little article popped up that I thought I would share with you. The fact that it’s on the website stopped me for a moment, but then you are only as old as you feel (senior, though? yikes!), and I continued reading the article. It’s titled 50 Good Things About Turning 50. I realized that it was easy enough to share the whole article with you rather than reinvent the wheel. It’s a… Read More »5 Great Things About Turning 50!

Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days

Are you looking for new Virtual Assistant clients? In business, you should always be looking for new clients, even if you are at capacity. But if you are a VA and you don’t have enough clients, it is stressful. I’ve been there. Most of us have been there at some point. You can’t have a business if you don’t have clients. So what do you do when you feel like you are looking all day, every day, and still coming up short? You need to reassess your strategy. (It’s not working!) If you really think you are spending all day looking for clients, and you are not getting any, then there is something fundamentally wrong with what you are doing to… Read More »Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days

3 Tips To Help You Avoid Rabbit Holes in Your Social Media Marketing

Are you spending more time on social media than you should? Most of us have to answer yes to this question. We are all married to our phones, and, by extension, to our social media accounts.  It’s easy to surf hours away when you aren’t paying attention to what you are doing. But when you are using social media for your business marketing, you have to make sure you aren’t constantly going down rabbit holes. As we found out in Alice in Wonderland, sometimes forever is just one second! Here are 3 simple tips to make sure that your social media is under control and that you are helping it work for your business: Set a goal. What do you… Read More »3 Tips To Help You Avoid Rabbit Holes in Your Social Media Marketing

Are You Just Wasting Your Time?

Do you ever look up at the end of a day and wonder where the time went? Losing time is very common for Virtual Assistants – and anyone who works on their own, or from their home. With no one around but us, it can be easy to start a task and not really keep track of where the time has gone. I’m not really talking about client work – if you aren’t keeping track of that, that’s bad! I’m talking about when you are not working on client work. Maybe you are on social media, maybe you are writing blog posts or creating content. Many VAs I know do not set blocks of time to get these types of… Read More »Are You Just Wasting Your Time?

The Simplest Way to Build Your Virtual Assistant Business

Take a step back for a moment and have a look at your VA business. How many clients do you have? How do they work with you? How do they pay you? Are you making as much as you expected to make? Are you happy with the tasks you are doing every day? Sometimes the answer to that last question is yes, sometimes it’s no, and sometimes it’s a bit of both. Today I challenge you to really look at your business and ask yourself these questions. Especially if you are not happy! If you don’t have enough clients, you need a plan to get new ones. If you are still offering a laundry list of tasks for your clients,… Read More »The Simplest Way to Build Your Virtual Assistant Business

Do You Love Networking? or Do You Dread It?

Networking is a necessary part of owning a business. As a Virtual Assistant, is networking something you enjoy? Or would you rather do anything else? I talk with a lot of VAs about growing their businesses, and one of the biggest issues VAs face is where to find clients. I tell them they have to determine who their services are best suited for, and then they have to find those potential clients and network with them. The conversation often takes a bristly turn after that. Networking is not a favourite activity for many VAs because we have often been the reactive type of personality. The person who is the greeter of those who enter the building. The person who answers the phone… Read More »Do You Love Networking? or Do You Dread It?