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Are You Listless or Limitless?

The last few weeks I have noticed that I have been dropping the ball on various things. Forgetting tiny tasks or needing to remind myself more often about something that needs to be done. I discovered that I have low iron in my blood (anemia) and it explains so much. Low iron means that your blood can not carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body – all of them! – and as a result, they either can not work to their full capacity, or they get tired and they can stop working all together. Now I know that we talk often about self-care in our VA businesses. When we work alone we can pick up bad habits very… Read More »Are You Listless or Limitless?

Are You Using Facebook Live?

I saw you on Facebook yesterday. Did you see me? I’m kidding of course! But isn’t it neat that Facebook finally came up with something that turned its platform into an actual face-book? Facebook Live came out a while back and it’s starting to take off … slowly, according to my newsfeed, but people are getting more comfortable with it. I checked my pages the other day and I have access to it now. I’m not sure if I have for a while, but it’s there for sure. So I intend to start using it. Soon. LOL. Proscrastination is a big part of my video stuff. It seems to be the same for a lot of other people. So here… Read More »Are You Using Facebook Live?

Favourite Tools for VAs: Facebook Live

I am going to start using Facebook Live. Haven’t tried it out yet. I tried Periscope and liked it but I could not save the videos to my phone for some reason so gave up on it. So I’m going to call it one of my favourite tools, because I watch a lot of people using it now, but this is a blind recommendation (for once!). Maybe I’ll circle back in a week or two and tell you my favourite things about it! 🙂 See you there!

[VIDEO] How to Get Fantastic VA Clients

How are you this morning? Did you jump up and get excited when you looked at your task list for the day? If you did, you must have fantastic clients! (congratulations!) If you did not, you need fantastic clients! A lot of VAs get into that drudgery of saying YES … to clients they know they should not really work with … to tasks they don’t really want to do … to rates they don’t really want to work for. It’s hard to turn down money, isn’t it? I sure know that. I’ve made deals over the years that I have regretted deeply. And it can be hard to stay on track to find fantastic clients. That’s why today I’m… Read More »[VIDEO] How to Get Fantastic VA Clients

Favourite Tools for VAs: Dropbox

Dropbox is a cloud filing system I use in my business every day and I could never be without it! Dropbox allows you to save documents to a folder in the cloud as well as on your computer so you can access them anywhere. You can also share the files you want with clients or colleagues or even the general public. A couple of years ago I moved my entire business filing system into Dropbox so I can literally work from anywhere just by logging in. And the neat thing about Dropbox is that you can earn extra storage when you invite people to join. The price of about $100 per year is more than worth it for me for Dropbox… Read More »Favourite Tools for VAs: Dropbox

Virtual Assistants: To Track Time or Not?

Virtual Assistants need to have an effective and accurate time tracking system in place. It’s easy, but it can get out of control if you let it. ‘Losing time’ can not only set your schedule behind, lead to disorganization and late night catch-up, but it can also impact your revenue if you forget to bill for work done. Here are a few answers to those questions you have about time tracking: Why should I track my time? First of all, because you need to know how you are spending your day. How much of your time is being spent on billable work? Non billable work? Wasted time? Things you dislike doing? If you write it all down, it will be… Read More »Virtual Assistants: To Track Time or Not?

Pricing Your Virtual Assistant Service Packages

We have talked before about how to make up service packages for your clients. Service packages help you to get paid for your expertise, they help you to specialize your services for a select group of clients, and they help your clients know exactly what they will get for their money. It can be a challenge to nail down your packages if you offer a wide variety of services, but once you do, the next step is to price them accordingly. If you are accustomed to billing by the hour, then you will actually be able to do this part more easily than you think. To set your rates, you first have to determine a billable rate. Your billable rate… Read More »Pricing Your Virtual Assistant Service Packages

Favourite Tools for VAs: Roundcube Webmail

Roundcube Webmail is one of my favourite tools to access email anywhere. If you are like me, you have several clients and they all want to set up an email address for you so you can communicate with them and their clients. I used to set these folks up in my Gmail, until my Gmail got filled up. Now I choose to access their email from Roundcube, a web-based program, and that means I can log in when I need to, to work directly on their stuff. It is liberating for me and it is a super easy way to keep things organized, since only that email information is contained in the webmail program. Sometimes simple really is best. I… Read More »Favourite Tools for VAs: Roundcube Webmail