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Virtual Assisants: Are You Waiting on a Client Payment?

One of the crappiest things that can happen to you in your VA business is to have to wait for someone to pay you. There really isn’t any good way to describe it. I hope you don’t mind! 😉 It causes you stress, worry, anger, upset and a whole host of other emotions. You might even be ashamed by it. How could you let it happen? Particularly if the client hasn’t paid you for a few months and you are still doing their work. Let me tell you something – many of us have been there. I know I have. I have chased money, and continued to work as the balance owed increased. Ugh. What an awful feeling. So what… Read More »Virtual Assisants: Are You Waiting on a Client Payment?

Too Busy For Your Own Business Growth?

I have recently been talking to many Virtual Assistants about blocks they are facing in their businesses. One of the ones that comes up time and again is that they can’t concentrate enough on their own business to grow it properly. We work hard to get clients, and then we get too busy with client work to look at our own business. We stop marketing, we don’t network anymore … we forget how to tell people how great we are at what we do. Then when something happens, and we need new clients, we struggle to find them. We have to start all over again. Or worse, we suffer working with clients we don’t like or doing things we don’t… Read More »Too Busy For Your Own Business Growth?

Favourite Tools for VAs: Roboform

Roboform is a password manager that I could not (easily) run my business without. It keeps all of my passwords and my clients’ passwords a click away, so I can jump from task to task easily, no matter which of my devices I am using. Visit Roboform here!

Being Your Own Boss is So Great!

This week I hosted a free information session for Virtual Assistants. One of the first things I ask anyone when they are thinking of starting out: why they want to start their own business. I have heard a variety of answers to this question, but many times the answer is ‘to be my own boss’. When I start to work with someone as their coach, I ask them to look deeper into that statement. Why do you want to be your own boss? There are always more underlying reasons that simply because you want to. And we often talk about needed to understand WHY you want to be in business for yourself. Because some days are hard, and some decisions… Read More »Being Your Own Boss is So Great!

Are You Still Getting VA Clients The Old Way?

Are you still doing it the old way? I mean getting clients. Are you still slugging it out at networking events, and spending endless hours on social media, only to bring in a new client every few months? Here’s what I mean: You go to a networking event. You collect a few business cards, have a few conversations, and then you come home. You probably don’t really follow up with the people you met because you didn’t really feel a connection with them anyway. So you decide that event was a bust and you hope that the next one will be better. or You log in to Facebook every morning. You stay logged in all day and you try to… Read More »Are You Still Getting VA Clients The Old Way?

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year always brings new intentions. It’s a fresh start, and everyone has new ideas they want to implement into their life and business. I know I do! I laugh as I look through my social media news feeds and see people joking about the increase in traffic at the gym. That’s always one of the biggest resolutions people have. To get in shape. Go to the gym. But by the end of January, many of those people just stop going. I have friends who tell me that they actually don’t go to the gym in January because the newbies are all there, but by the end of January it’s safe for them to head back because it starts… Read More »How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Simple Tips To Get Motivated Now

Too much to do and no motivation to get it done? As a solopreneur, the responsibility to motivate yourself (unfortunately!) falls squarely on your own shoulders. If you were working in an office setting, you have the support of others so it can be easier to stay ‘up’. But on your own, I know it can be tough sometimes. So here are a few simple things that you can do to help motivate yourself right now! 1. Get up out of your chair. Posture plays a huge role in how our motivation increases or decreases. If you get up and stretch your arms over your head and out into a big circle down the sides of your body, you inject… Read More »Simple Tips To Get Motivated Now

What’s Left to Do?

At this time of year everyone is talking about planning – including me – it’s a very important piece of running a successful business. But one of the things I talk about also is reflecting on the previous year. How did things look financially? How did my goals work out? And I inevitably come to that one question … what’s left to do? I mean, what did I start but never finish? Have you ever made a list of the things that you ‘intended’ to do during the year, and assessed that at year end? It’s a really good exercise to do – not from a negative standpoint, but from (I think) a very positive one. Here’s what I mean… Read More »What’s Left to Do?