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Your VA Mentor: Clear Your Brain Fog - and Bump Up Your Brain Power!

Clear Your Brain Fog – and Bump Up Your Brain Power!

I have been in ‘clean up’ mode lately. Part of that is due to the fact that I just rolled out a new program (my 50K VA Bootcamp). When I am building content for a program, I tend to grab all of my old notes from things I have taught before, as well as my ‘swipe’ file that contains new ideas that I want to implement in the program. In short, I kind of pull a lot of papers and books out of their hiding places. Once you do something like that, you can see just what it is you have been holding onto, and you can make the decision to use it or lose it. I made the decision… Read More »Clear Your Brain Fog – and Bump Up Your Brain Power!

Your VA Mentor: Celebrate Your Successes, No Matter How Small

Celebrate Your Successes, No Matter How Small

Recently I guess I was multi-tasking without really intending too. I had several big projects on the go – some work, and some personal. I ended up finishing several of them all at once, or within a few days of each other, and the sense of relief and accomplishment I felt was really great. I shared it on my social media profiles and got really nice feedback from people who knew of one or more of my projects. This inspired me to go back to my Success Journal. Do you keep one? I have a beautiful journal that a client gave me as thanks for helping her with an event, and I use it as my Success Journal. A few… Read More »Celebrate Your Successes, No Matter How Small

Your VA Mentor: Simple Tips to Help You Manage Multiple Clients

Simple Tips to Help You Manage Multiple VA Clients

This week I received an email from a VA who said that with all the training that people offer for Virtual Assistants, she hasn’t found anyone who teaches how to work with multiple clients. She had some specific questions about how to manage her client work. I understood that she was asking how to collaborate with clients and make sure that you had boundaries and procedures in place to ease the flow of work back and forth. She replied that it wasn’t what she was looking for. So we dug a bit deeper, and that’s when we got to her real question: how do you put systems in place to manage your workload during the day? Her specific example was… Read More »Simple Tips to Help You Manage Multiple VA Clients

Plan your Successful Virtual Assistant Business

Do you have a business plan? If you do, congratulations! I bet you are doing fairly well in your business! Simply by having a plan in place that can help you set goals and build strategies, you are on your way to success! If you don’t, you are probably struggling or unsure about how to find clients, work or just success in general. One of the first things I do with any mentoring client or student in my training classes is look at their business plan. Most don’t actually have one – and so that’s the very first thing we do. Without putting all of your business plans down on paper, you can’t build a solid strategy to sell your… Read More »Plan your Successful Virtual Assistant Business

Want Different Results? Change Your Actions

Look at your business. Is it running the way you want it to? Are you making the money you want? Are you doing the things you love to do every day? Are you balancing your work and family properly? Are you happy? If not, it’s time to do an assessment … and make some changes. Assessing your business regularly – and the things you do in your business – is an essential piece of being a great business owner. Making sure that the things you do every day are working to build your business is essential, but making changes to those things when they aren’t working is one of the most important skills you can learn to master. Let’s look… Read More »Want Different Results? Change Your Actions

Game Changers: What Don’t You Know?

I learned something very interesting a couple of weeks ago. The first thing you need to know is that I hate to vacuum the house. Vacuuming always ends up making my back sore. We have a good vacuum that has an ergonomic handle but still it’s annoying to get to the end and be sore. Now add on top of that vacuuming the pool in the summer, and, well, you get the idea. So I finally googled ‘sore back from vacuuming’ or something to that effect and that’s when I learned it – nose and toes. Nose and toes? What does that mean? Quite simply – keep your nose aligned with your toes when you are doing something like vacuuming… Read More »Game Changers: What Don’t You Know?

Free Webinar: Build Your 50K VA Business in 4 Simple Steps

Virtual Assistants and Virtual Professionals: Do you still have trouble getting enough (or any!) clients? Have you experienced the ‘feast or famine’ income problem in your business? Do you work all hours and still don’t make enough money? Are you still trading your ‘hours for dollars’? Are you wondering why other VAs seems to be more successful than you? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, your business model is broken, and you need to keep reading so you can fix it. When you first started your business, you probably had that fire and drive and you KNEW you were going to make a go of it. But then reality set in when you realized it wasn’t as… Read More »Free Webinar: Build Your 50K VA Business in 4 Simple Steps

Virtual Assistant Rate Setting: Find Your Value

So last week’s article got a lot of great feedback – we talked in that article about how to start looking at packaged and project rates for your business. I’m pleased to continue with the discussion! There is often so much confusion around how to charge clients when you are providing them with a service. It can be a difficult decision – especially if you haven’t been in business all that long. And if you have been a service provider for a while, it can be difficult to change your rate structure. The key to your continued success, is for you to recognize your own value. As you master certain skills in your business, you become a specialized expert, whether… Read More »Virtual Assistant Rate Setting: Find Your Value