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The Number 1 Reason You Don’t Have Enough VA Clients

I recently came across an old teleclass I did from 2010 – 3 Secrets to Get High Paying Clients to Call You – and as I listened to it I realize that this is really important information for you to have and practice – so I reran the class as a webinar, with a new Powerpoint presentation. I speak with many VAs in my networking who are struggling to get clients – and though there are many reasons for this, there is one that is the most important … they don’t know who they can best support. They haven’t figured it out. Is this you? If so, don’t worry – it’s easy to do … and it’s an absolutely essential… Read More »The Number 1 Reason You Don’t Have Enough VA Clients

Is Anyone Stomping on Your Boundaries?

I’ve been witness to some funny (weird, not haha!) situations lately that I wanted to share with you. Lately I’ve been noticing that more and more things are making me go ‘huh?’ I sat back to reflect on several of those things – I’ll share some with you below – and I think what it boils down to is the sense of entitlement that people feel when they are spending money on something. Let me explain. When I spend money on a service provider or a training program or whatever, I have clear expectations of what I am getting for my money. You probably do too. But lately what I am seeing is a trend of people that expect to… Read More »Is Anyone Stomping on Your Boundaries?

Great Customer Service in Three Steps

Recently I have been noticing how I am treated as a customer when I am out shopping, dining, or even connecting with people online. I have had some great experiences, and some not so great. What makes good customer service? For one thing, it’s about recognizing the fact that without customers paying for your service, you would not have a business. Now that doesn’t mean ‘the customer is always right’, as the old saying goes, but it certainly weighs heavier since your success depends on keeping them happy. Here are three easy steps to great customer service: Keep Them Informed One of the things that can make clients nervous or uneasy while working with someone virtually, is not knowing the… Read More »Great Customer Service in Three Steps

How to Make Your Numbers Work For You

Site visits, opt ins, email opens, click throughs … Since the first quarter of the year has gone by, I thought it might be a good idea to check in with you to see how your numbers are adding up. Do you look at your numbers on a regular basis? If you do, what kind of follow up do you do with them? If you don’t, why not? Checking things like your website visitors and your email opens is essential to make sure that your marketing efforts are working for you. Going through the motions is not going to help you build your business. Let’s look at a few key things you should be checking regularly: Website visitors How many… Read More »How to Make Your Numbers Work For You

Got Stress? Here’s How to Relax

With spring in the air, a common topic is spring cleaning. I started my own spring cleaning a couple of weeks ago when I downsized the piles and the storage in my office. I moved on last week to cleaning out our clothes closets. Spring seems to make you want to pull everything out and start with a new slate. But it doesn’t have to be spring to do this kind of stuff. If you find yourself under stress for any number of reasons, getting tidied up and organized can really help you alleviate that. Stress is one of those things that others point out to us. Not something that we often notice ourselves. Being a small business owner is… Read More »Got Stress? Here’s How to Relax

3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business

When you start to work virtually, you quickly realize that organization is a key skill that will become very important in your daily schedule. If you have come from a corporate background, you are generally working under one supervisor or ‘boss’, and priorities can sometimes be set by the individual you report to. Once you own your own business, this completely changes. You are now responsible to each and every client – and you are the one who has to be able to juggle the tasks and priorities of each of them. It can be difficult if you don’t have a system in place to keep things organized. Here are three keys to getting and staying organized in your business:… Read More »3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business

10 Tips to Help You Include Down Time in Your Life

One of the places that many small business owners get trapped in is the ‘working all the time’ syndrome. It is a big job to run your own business, and there is no question there is always something that needs doing. But if Jack Nicholson taught us anything, it’s that all work and no play is not a good thing. You can’t bring your best brain and your best attitude to your business unless you are certain to make time to step away from it to recharge. By taking time for yourself – whether it’s to physically care for yourself, or just to do something that inspires you and lifts your spirits, ‘down time’ is a great thing to be… Read More »10 Tips to Help You Include Down Time in Your Life

How to Fire a VA Client

So I had another interesting ‘case’ last week. I fired a client. Not the first one I’ve fired, and I’m sure won’t be the last, but this one brought with it an interesting experience that I thought I should share with you. The client was a referral last year. When we initially started working together, communication was sketchy. I noticed that this client would tend to get very upset when anything went wrong. If there was an error made by any member of the team, the curses flew (yep, she openly swore) and the relationship with the offending team member fizzled quickly and she usually found a way to fire them. Bottom line, she wasn’t my ideal client, but we… Read More »How to Fire a VA Client