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So How Does Mentoring Work Anyway?

One of the questions I find that people ask me a lot these days is … how exactly does ‘mentoring’ work? At Your VA Mentor, I offer many ways to get support. Just like there are lots of ways for people to take in information in the world today (we often talk about articles, audio, video, email, and so on), there are also different ways to get support in your business. I have many different levels of support that I offer to VAs, with different ways to connect, for different lengths of time, and for different budgets too. I offer private options, group options, live training sessions as well as lot of self-study options. Today I’ll talk to you about… Read More »So How Does Mentoring Work Anyway?

Stop Fearing the World Wide Web

If you’re reading this, chances are that you use the Internet in your life. For buying stuff. For chatting on Facebook. For sending emails. You may even use the web to help grow your business, promote your services, and sell your products. If you already know this, awesome! But if you are still wondering how the heck you can personally start to leverage the web to grow your business and make more money, keep reading … While everyone knows YOU CAN make money on the web, many people stop short of actually being able to make money on the web. It’s not that it’s particularly hard to do. It can just be scary when you consider all the different pieces… Read More »Stop Fearing the World Wide Web

Stop, Drop and Smell the Roses

Summertime is one of the busiest times for most small business owners. Kids are home from school, maybe there’s a cottage, and certainly there is more activity in general as everyone tries to enjoy the nice weather. With any luck, your clients will take holidays and the work pace will slow down so you can incorporate the new level of activity in your household. But even if there is more client work than you anticipated, don’t forget that burnout comes easily when you’re not paying attention. How to handle this? First of all, be aware of your limitations. If you know you are taking holidays, let your clients know with plenty of notice. Be sure that anything they need in… Read More »Stop, Drop and Smell the Roses

August Membership Registration

Have you registered for the Your VA Mentor Membership Program yet? New content for August is being pulled together as you read this! Each month we select a topic – and the topic for August is Passive Income. Passive income is a great way to bring new revenue into your business. It can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your area of specialty. To sign up for our membership program, visit: Membership also gets you a live Q&A call as well as direct email support – so you can be sure to get all of your specific questions answered where your service offerings are concerned! August content supporting this topic will be available August 9th. The… Read More »August Membership Registration

What is Your Motivation?

I recently attended a conference and one of the speakers, Matthew Goldfarb, asked us what our motivation was for doing what we do. It was one of those exercises that was really eye-opening for me. Of course I know why I run my own business, and what makes me happy about it. But to actually do an exercise that made me write those motivations down was the eye-opening part. I know that I want to be in control of my income, I want to set  my own schedule, and so on. Those are probably similar motivations for you as well. But Matthew encouraged us to go deeper, and really write a good list of things that were the things that… Read More »What is Your Motivation?

Are You an E-Hoarder?

I was recently reading a blog post from Leslie Shreve, of Productive about E-Hoarding. As a virtual business owner, I’m always trying to find new ways to keep myself organized and to tame the various forms of clutter that I seem to collect. And while I am admittedly a collector of many things that I probably don’t need (my husband would laugh at that one!)  one of the things I actually do have good control over is my email. I have a system in place to keep my email clean and clear, and although I still probably have more ‘on file’ than many people, I am confident that my system works for me. What do I do? First,… Read More »Are You an E-Hoarder?

What’s On Your Mind?

What’s on your mind? You get greeted with this question every time you log in to your Facebook profile. It’s a pretty simple question when you think about it … it really just means … what are you thinking about at this very moment? On the surface, that question might cause you to think of something that is happening during your day, or something you will be doing soon. From a marketing standpoint, it goes deeper than that. What are you planning? What are you strategizing? What are you working on? What ‘mode’ are you in? When you are in business, you are always in some sort of mode. Strategy, planning, implementation, analysis. If you aren’t in one of these… Read More »What’s On Your Mind?

July Membership Registration

Have you registered for the Your VA Mentor Membership Program yet? New content for July is being pulled together as you read this! Each month we select a topic – and the topic for July is Networking. Networking is an excellent way to grow and build your business, but there are many things to consider as you get out there to connect with people! To sign up for our membership program, visit: Membership also gets you a live Q&A call as well as direct email support – so you can be sure to get all of your specific questions answered where your service offerings are concerned! July content supporting this topic will be available July 11th. The July teaching… Read More »July Membership Registration