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June Membership Registration

Have you registered for the Your VA Mentor Membership Program yet? New content for June is being pulled together as you read this! Each month we select a topic – and the topic for June is Service Offerings. Setting up (or adjusting!) great service offerings for our clients sometimes goes by the wayside after we start to work with them. On our June teaching call, Analyzing Your Services to Streamline and Increase Revenue, we are going to talk about: how to identify packages of services we can offer our clients how to stop doing things we don’t want to offer as services analyzing the rates we charge, and easy ways to increase them to make more money and much more!… Read More »June Membership Registration

I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

Recently I received a question from a virtual professional who was trying to decide on her rate structure. She had listened to my audio teleclass ‘How Much Should I Charge?’ and she got really great material out of it, but was still stuck on actually setting her rates. So we had a chat and here is what I helped her figure out: She was starting a new area of her business – one that she hadn’t unveiled before – basically she would be doing group workshops/talks for groups of people. Previously she had not done this before. So there was unknown territory right from the start. She has a lot of experience and so she had worked out four or… Read More »I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

If It’s Not Working, Change It

We often talk about the importance of measuring results in our business. This can come in many forms – maybe you want to measure how many people are visiting your website, or joining your Facebook page, or opening your newsletter – or signing on as clients. Whatever the case may be, when you have something that has a measurable result, make sure you measure it. If it’s not working, change it. Many small business owners go through the process of setting up a program – or even their website freebie – and then just leave it at that. In order to make sure that you are relevant and interesting to your audience, it’s important to measure your results regularly to… Read More »If It’s Not Working, Change It

7th Annual Online Virtual Assistant Convention

I’m very excited to be a speaker in this year’s OIVAC event – the 7th Annual Online Virtual Assistant Convention. It’s an online, multi-day event that takes place this year from May 17 to 19, 2012. The theme this year is: Innovate, Integrate, Motivate and I’m happy to speaking in the Motivate category with my topic: 5 Tips to Strategically Market Your VA Business. By setting up a strategy to market your VA business, you will experience more growth and development, which is what the approach is for this year’s OIVAC conference: to help innovate you with the latest trends and ideas, to help you implement with the latest tools and technologies, and to motivate you to take action to… Read More »7th Annual Online Virtual Assistant Convention

Build a Referral VA Business

Are you: working long hours trying to get it all done by yourself in your VA business? working with (and drained by!) clients who are not ideal for you to work with (but are afraid to give up their money?) finding it difficult to keep your client pipeline full? experiencing ‘feast or famine’ each month on your work schedule? unsure of how (or even scared!) to raise your rates to what you deserve to earn? doing things you don’t love to do on a daily or weekly basis? still trading dollars for hours with your client work? wanting to specialize your services and don’t know how to implement that? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, I am… Read More »Build a Referral VA Business

Build Your Business Plan Easily

When I start mentoring a new VA, the first thing we talk about is the business plan. I am never surprised to hear that someone doesn’t have their business plan done. So many VAs just start their business by looking for clients and hoping to sign them. Writing a business plan is an essential part of any small business. It helps you to clarify everything about your business, and if you don’t have one yet you should look at sitting down and just doing it. A business plan will help you: plan what you are going to do realize how you are going to do it set goals and achieve them You don’t have to put together a complex business… Read More »Build Your Business Plan Easily

Social Networking to Find Prospects and Clients

This month at the Your VA Mentor membership group, we are talking about Finding Clients Online. Do you find it difficult to find and connect with prospects online? Do you even know where they are spending their time? Wouldn’t it be nice to find large pools of prospective clients that you can network with, all in one place (or two?) That’s what we’re going to talk about on our May call – Social Networking to Find Prospects and Clients. You can get access to this call by joining our membership now! Let’s face it, most of spend more time socializing online than we do actually networking. In this call, we’ll talk about how to put a plan in place… Read More »Social Networking to Find Prospects and Clients

What’s Your Marketing Strategy?

When you look at how you are marketing your business, what do you see? Is there rhyme and reason to it, or do you just ‘fly by the seat of your pants’? If that sounds like you, don’t worry – you are definitely not alone. Many VAs I talk to don’t really have a plan in place to market their business. But if you don’t plan, it’s a bit like throwing spaghetti at a wall – you put it all out there and just hope something sticks. It’s not a really effective plan. Marketing strategy isn’t difficult – it just takes sitting down and thinking about what you want to do, why you want to do it, and what results… Read More »What’s Your Marketing Strategy?