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Q&A: Should I Start a VA Business?

Many administrative professionals are starting to discover the Virtual Assistant industry, and are asking questions about how to get started. In my networking circles, the admin professionals who want to get into the VA industry are hesitant because they are not sure of the earning potential of being a VA. They are concerned that their job security will be gone by deciding to go out on their own. This is a real fear, and there is some validity to it if you do not do your research before getting into business. I have also come across a lot of new VAs who got started without the proper preparation and research, and who are now struggling to find clients. The good… Read More »Q&A: Should I Start a VA Business?

Building Products for Your Ideal Clients: Four Simple Ideas

Once you start to build an email list, you will be starting to build relationships with people who will want to work with you. The more information you provide for them, the faster that trust will grow. The key is to provide good content, and to provide it regularly so that they will always be in touch with you. So here are a few ideas to get you started at developing content for them. Freebie Report This is your ‘foot in the door’ – the content rich report that you can provide to people when they give you their email address. This gets them on your mailing list, and get them tuning in to your regular newsletter, or whatever it… Read More »Building Products for Your Ideal Clients: Four Simple Ideas

Are You Earning Affiliate Revenue?

When we talk about revenue sources for your business, it is common for most VAs to have just one income stream – client work. That is, they do the work and the client pays them to do it. It’s the ‘one to one’ model and most businesses are opened based on this income stream – this is called active revenue income. But there are other means to bring revenue into your business as well, and they don’t take that much work to set up or monitor, and you could be missing out! Passive income is another way that VAs and other small business owners can bring money into their business. It’s called passive because it requires less of your time… Read More »Are You Earning Affiliate Revenue?

3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing your business can be a confusing thing if you aren’t all that familiar with the concept of marketing. We talk a lot about your ideal client, and how identifying them will help you to build a more effective marketing strategy. When you are getting started, it can feel like no one even notices you, and if you are just putting up a list of services that you provide that might even be the case. That’s why it’s important to get specific about a few things and use those things to build a strategy to get clients to notice you. 1. Know who you can best support or serve. The services you provide are probably ‘in need’ in several industries,… Read More »3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Exactly what do you do? (Hint: I’m a Virtual Assistant is not the right answer!)

So you are probably out there, doing some networking, and getting to know people. How do you respond when people ask you what you do? I have seen this handled many ways, but mostly this is the response that VAs come up with: I am a Virtual Assistant. And then you sit back and wait for them to ask you what that means. You have already confused your prospect. Being a Virtual Assistant is what you do, but it doesn’t tell anyone what you actually can do for them, which is really what their question is all about. So what you need to do is to craft a more succinct message that explains what you do without being the dreaded… Read More »Exactly what do you do? (Hint: I’m a Virtual Assistant is not the right answer!)

Goal Setting for Business Success

Do you set goals in your business? If you don’t, you really should. There is nothing like having something tangible written down that you can refer to, to ensure that your plan and strategy are on track and working for you. There are many places in your business that goal setting can really help you focus on what you want, and how you will achieve that. Many people only set the financial goals, and then leave it at that. I recommend that you look at many different areas of your business, and set realistic goals – that still stretch you outside your comfort zone – that you can work towards. By looking at areas like clients, training and products and… Read More »Goal Setting for Business Success

5 Tips to Preparing Content for a Teleclass

Putting together a teleclass is a great way to share content with your audience, and to pick up new subscribers for your list. The key is to provide great content, so that they will want to build a relationship with you, that will lead to eventually working together. Preparing the content is the key to making sure your class runs smoothly, and accomplishes what you want and what your audience wants. Establish a catchy title. Make it as specific as you can. There are so many classes on the Internet these days that your title can actually make or break your registration goal. For instance instead of “Internet Marketing 101” you might select something like “7 Ways to Grow Your… Read More »5 Tips to Preparing Content for a Teleclass

What do you do with your ‘down time’?

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there often seems like there is very little down time from your business. If you are not working with clients, you are probably working on marketing tasks or managing your support team. You are planning goals and programs, and laying out launch procedures.