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5 Reasons Why Article Marketing is Effective

Article marketing is a wonderfully easy way to market your business, product or service. When you write articles and submit them to article banks, you are increasing your exposure to your niche market, and at the same time you are building a library of information about things that you know about. Here are five great reasons to write articles to help marketing your business: 1. Articles sites are very well indexed by the search engines. When you submit an article, you are effectively improving your position in search results. By using effective keywords in your articles, you can really boost your results. 2. You establish yourself as an expert in your industry. By writing about things that you know well,… Read More »5 Reasons Why Article Marketing is Effective

10 Tips to Starting a Great Virtual Assistant Blog

Having a blog these days is a really great way to update your web content regularly and it’s easy to get started. But be sure that you take the time to put a plan together to ensure that your blog is not a hodge-podge of ideas and thoughts. 1. Decide whether you want to have your blog hosted online or if you want to host it on your own server. There are advantages to both. A hosted blog allows you to have someone else handle the backend technical issues. Hosting your own blog allows you more creativity, but also costs you more time and possibly money, depending on your technical capabilities. 2. Decide who your audience is going to be.… Read More »10 Tips to Starting a Great Virtual Assistant Blog

Hosted Blog Or Self Hosted Blog – Which is Better For Your VA Business?

There are two ways that you can get your blog online, and there are definite pros and cons to both choices. Here are some things to consider when you are trying to make this decision for your Virtual Assistant business. Hosted Blogs A hosted blog simply means that your blog is set up on someone else’s server. Free Hosted Blogs There are free services for this, such as, and These services make it easy to get your blog started immediately, because you just select a template, name your blog and you are live. Benefits of a free hosted blog are: * it’s free * it’s easy and quick to set up * it’s always up to date… Read More »Hosted Blog Or Self Hosted Blog – Which is Better For Your VA Business?

3 Easy Ways To Build Your VA Mailing List

Building your mailing list is one of the most important things that you need to do in order to have a successful Virtual Assistant business. Your list is the key to selling your services or products, because it is a list of people who has already expressed an interest in what you have to offer. It is easy to set up a mailing list, but then you have to promote it in order to grow it. It is not enough to just put an opt in box on your website and wait. There are so many ways that you can promote it, but here are three that are sure to get you some success: 1. Provide them with an incentive. If you… Read More »3 Easy Ways To Build Your VA Mailing List

10 Tips For Awesome Transcription

When you start out as a Virtual Assistant, one of the easiest services to offer is transcription. It takes very little setup and it is an in-demand service. But is it really that easy to do? Not really. It’s important to note that transcription is a specialty; it is not as simple as just typing. There are many types of audio files that you can transcribe, but the three main categories for transcription generally fall into general, legal and medical. For the purposes of Internet marketing and social media, my clients mainly require general transcription, also known as business transcription. This can mean transcribing a conference call, a teleseminar,a webinar, a podcast, or any other type of digital audio. Transcribed… Read More »10 Tips For Awesome Transcription

What Does it Take to Be a Virtual Assistant?

So, you think you want to be a virtual assistant? Good for you! It’s a wonderful profession that, if you work at it, can be very profitable and rewarding. Yes, that’s what I said … if you work at it. You should know that working from home is not the same as being at home on the weekends. When you decide to become a virtual assistant (VA), you become a business owner … an entrepreneur. It is so important to realize this when you are starting out, and it is frightening how many people do not realize it at all. When I tell people that I work from home, I am often greeted with the squeal of, “Oh, I’d love… Read More »What Does it Take to Be a Virtual Assistant?