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business lessons for virtual assistants

Podcast: What Makes a Ridiculously Good Virtual Assistant

Today’s Quote: When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. Paolo Coelho Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to becomes ridiculously good virtual assistant. Today we are going to talk about what exactly a ridiculously good Virtual Assistant is. I’m sure you are wondering what MY bar is for VAs – and it’s high. When you are charging for a service you want to be the best you can be. In this episode, I’ll share 10 tips that I think every VA should strive for, to become ridiculously good at what they do. Click the play button above to tune in, or choose your favourite podcast player below:… Read More »Podcast: What Makes a Ridiculously Good Virtual Assistant

Podcast: Brilliant Business Communication for Virtual Assistants

Today’s Quote: The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw I love this quote because communication is two way between two people who probably both think that they are being clear. But it’s not always the case. Welcome to the second episode of the podcast that teaches you to become a ridiculously good virtual assistant. Today we are going to talk about communication. When you work virtually, being brilliant at business communication is absolutely essential. In this episode we will talk about Brilliant Business Communication for Virtual Assistants. Click the play button above to tune in, or choose your favourite podcast player below:   Connect with Tracey D’Aviero, VA Coach… Read More »Podcast: Brilliant Business Communication for Virtual Assistants

3 Challenges to Being a Virtual Assistant (and how to fix them!)

Running a business is challenging, and a VA business is no different. If you are struggling, it’s normal. There are a lot of challenges that a VA can face, without realizing that they are even struggling. Here are three big ones (and how to fix them!) 1. Loneliness Working by yourself is so appealing when you first start out. No distractions, no interruptions, no one else making decisions except you. It’s pure bliss! But soon enough, the solitude can really weigh on you. It doesn’t happen for everyone, but it’s very common, and if you are experiencing loneliness, know that it’s perfectly normal. But you do have to get out of it! How to fix it: Find a trusted small… Read More »3 Challenges to Being a Virtual Assistant (and how to fix them!)

Rental cars and fire alarms: how to adapt when things go wrong

What do you do when things don’t go exactly the way you plan them? Stay on your path no matter what obstacles get in your way! See if you can find the path through whatever is going wrong. I am a planner. I like to be ready for what is coming. But sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Here’s a little story on how you can keep going when things seem like they are not quite right. I was recently getting ready to travel to Toronto for a speaking engagement with the Association of Administrative Professionals Toronto Chapter. Sure it’s a long way for me to go for a talk, but it’s a group that I have built a… Read More »Rental cars and fire alarms: how to adapt when things go wrong