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finding virtual assistant clients

Podcast: The Essentials of Inbound Marketing – Attracting Customers

Today’s Quote: Don’t interrupt what your buyers want to consume – BE what they want to consume. – Mike Volpe Welcome to another episode of the podcast that teaches you how to be a ridiculously good virtual assistant. Today we are going to talk about marketing – in particular, inbound marketing – and how to do it well to get clients. Click the play button above to tune in, or choose your favourite podcast player below:   Connect with Tracey D’Aviero, VA Coach and Trainer         Episode Notes: Last episode we talked about outbound marketing (or reaching out to clients), so this week we will cover the other half of the essentials of marketing. First a quick… Read More »Podcast: The Essentials of Inbound Marketing – Attracting Customers

How to Research Good Networking Connections

To make great connections networking for your VA business, all it takes is a little bit of strategy. It’s not about the quantity of connections, it’s about the quality. One of the best things you can add into your networking strategy is research. Researching the people you want to connect with helps you identify what you can talk to them about, learn more about them, and build more quality connections. Now I’m not talking about doing a large research project on everyone you want to connect with. This research is a quick checklist/system that you can use to learn a little bit about the connections you want to make. Don’t make connections just for the sake of making a connection.… Read More »How to Research Good Networking Connections

How I Got My First VA Client

If you are still struggling to get that first client (or that first great client), this is what you need to do. One of the things many Virtual Assistants struggle with is getting their first client. There is so much anxiety around getting clients – especially that first one – that we can often be overcome and get paralyzed. And nothing happens. We try to adjust our services. We try to adjust our rates. We apply for countless RFPs and hear nothing back. Or worse yet, we take any work someone offers us because we don’t want to miss out on money – and we hate it. The one thing that VAs who are struggling to get great clients are… Read More »How I Got My First VA Client

How to Improve Your Self-Confidence As a VA

How would you rate your self-confidence as a Virtual Assistant? Are you near the top of the scale? Or are you closer to the bottom? If you’re near the bottom, don’t worry – it’s not just you (and it’s easier to fix than you think!) I read the most interesting fact recently. Most women won’t apply for a job unless they meet 100 per cent of the qualifications. Men will respond if they have only 60 per cent of the qualifications. Well it was a fact shared by Sheryl Sandberg, but I can tell you in my experience that it’s absolutely true. I see VAs all the time who will not put their hat in the ring for an RFP… Read More »How to Improve Your Self-Confidence As a VA

Setting Goals to Find Virtual Assistant Clients

If you are struggling to find clients for your VA business, it could be the way you are going about it that just needs a little work. I talked to a VA this week that was trying to connect with potential clients, but she wasn’t having any luck. She didn’t have a real plan or strategy. She didn’t have a goal. And as a result, she was spending a lot of time, getting nowhere. Setting goals is a really helpful way to make finding clients easier. How does it work? When you set a goal, you create a focus – a target that you can follow – and follow up on. Goal setting is much like a roadmap. If you… Read More »Setting Goals to Find Virtual Assistant Clients

3 Steps to Getting Better VA Clients From Discovery Calls

Do you find yourself doing a lot of discovery calls but not signing Virtual Assistant clients? The discovery call is usually the first one-to-one conversation you have with a potential client. The objective for any discovery call is simple: to sign the client. Right? Yes and no. If you are going into every call thinking that you need to sign the client, you are taking the wrong approach. And either you are not getting the client – or you are getting bad clients! Here are 3 steps to getting better VA clients from your discovery calls: 1. Ask Questions The most important thing you need to do on the call is to ask questions. What does the client need? Do… Read More »3 Steps to Getting Better VA Clients From Discovery Calls

How to Get Clients Talking About Your VA Business

The best way to get clients talking about your VA business is to start talking about it yourself first. Now I’m not talking about being like that old used car salesman who talks and talks and never lets anyone else get a word in! But in order for people to understand what it is that you do for your clients, you have to be able to talk to people about it. I teach VAs what I call a Concise Marketing Message – it’s about getting really clear on what services you offer, who you support, and why it’s important to them to get help with that thing – and finally, why you are the best person for them to work… Read More »How to Get Clients Talking About Your VA Business

Do I Really Need A Target Market as a VA?

When Virtual Assistants come to me and say they are having trouble finding clients, I always ask them who their target market is. Many times the answer is ‘I don’t have one’ or ‘I haven’t narrowed it down yet.’ If you have not chosen a target group to market your services to, you are making things much more difficult for yourself to grow your VA business. Narrowing down to serve a target market is an important part of your business planning. Without knowing who your customers are, it will be naturally harder to find them. Think about the places that you shop or go to. Who are their customers? What are their products and services? Who do they cater to?… Read More »Do I Really Need A Target Market as a VA?