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finding virtual assistant clients

10 Places to Get Virtual Assistant Clients

Did you get a new Virtual Assistant client this week? If you didn’t say YES, then I’m so glad you are here reading this article. Most VAs would love to answer YES! to that question, but so many can not. To find a new client, you need to do two things: 1) Know where your clients are. 2) Reach out to them. There are plenty of places you can find your next client. The best thing to do is to build a system into your business where you can find new clients easily in a few different places. And then you need to network! Online, offline, start getting out to events and really connecting with people to fill your pipeline.… Read More »10 Places to Get Virtual Assistant Clients

Industries That Use Virtual Assistants (Hint: Find Clients Here)

Whether you are just starting out as a Virtual Assistant, or you have been in business a while, you might be struggling to find great clients. When you are new, it is hard enough to talk to people about your services and your rates. One of the biggest barriers to getting great clients is very simple: talking to the wrong people. We second-guess our value and we often have a hard time articulating our worth to people when they don’t really understand what a VA is. If the people you talk to also have never heard of a VA (or have never worked with one), your conversations with them start at a much more ‘beginning’ point than they might with… Read More »Industries That Use Virtual Assistants (Hint: Find Clients Here)

Get Virtual Assistant Clients By Watching What You Say

The easiest way to get VA clients is to talk to business owners that you think you can help. By connecting with potential clients daily, the numbers will eventually work in your favour. Why? Because more connections = more clients. But did you know that what you are saying when you are not actively networking can make or break your client list? Clients who are looking for a VA may find you before you know it. And what you are saying can have a big impact on whether they will want to work with you or not. Have a look at what you are putting out there – start with your social media profiles, but think about the conversations you… Read More »Get Virtual Assistant Clients By Watching What You Say

Still Having Trouble Getting VA Clients? Stop Doing This.

Are you still struggling to get Virtual Assistant clients? Where are you looking for them? Many Virtual Assistants spend a lot longer looking for clients than they need to. If that’s you, consider what you are actually doing to find clients. What are your daily activities? Are those activities leading you in the direction of clients? Or are you just wasting your time? The quickest way for you to get clients for your VA business is to have business conversations with other business owners. Where can you find business owners? You can start with Facebook groups. But not the ones you are probably looking in now. If you are struggling to get VA clients, my guess is that you are… Read More »Still Having Trouble Getting VA Clients? Stop Doing This.

Is Fear Stopping You From Getting VA Clients?

Do you have a fear of selling yourself or your VA services? One of the biggest hurdles for service professionals like VAs is getting past the fear of selling themselves. The idea of talking to people about business conjures up images of the slimy user car salesman, and using the old ‘answer a question with a question’ brand of sales that just feels yucky. It can even be worse for Virtual Assistants, who have not ever been in a sales role before. In fact, fear of selling themselves is what comes up most often when I talk to VAs who are struggling with finding clients. They are afraid to go out networking. They are afraid to have sales conversations. They… Read More »Is Fear Stopping You From Getting VA Clients?

Need Virtual Assistant Clients? Spend More Time on This Social Media Platform

Social media is a great, free way to market your Virtual Assistant business. Right? Not so fast! If you aren’t using social media correctly, you might not think you are wasting money, but you are certainly wasting your time. And time in a service business = money. With all of the options out there on the Internet, where is the best online place to market your VA business? Do you have a profile on every platform like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more? If you do, creating your content and messaging is probably taking you longer than it needs to – or worse, you might be posting the same stuff everywhere. And all of this is likely not even… Read More »Need Virtual Assistant Clients? Spend More Time on This Social Media Platform

Networking: Making Connections is Essential to Growing Your VA Business

Networking is all about making connections and building relationships. The more people you talk to about your VA business, the more clients you will find. Does the thought of networking make you anxious? Many Virtual Assistants feel anxiety around the whole idea of networking. They say it feels salesy – attending events, shaking hands, making elevator pitches. In fact, a lot of VAs I know simply avoid networking completely – and then wonder why they struggle to build their business. If you treat every networking opportunity like it’s speed dating, you will grow to dislike it. And you will definitely have a tough time finding clients. You can’t expect to meet someone and sign them right away. You have to… Read More »Networking: Making Connections is Essential to Growing Your VA Business

3 More Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and how to fix them!)

Last week we talked about 3 ways your business is stuck and what to do about them. Feeling stuck in your business manifests itself in many ways: lack of revenue, lack of clients (or lack of good clients), exhaustion, burnout, and more. No matter what is making you feel stuck, you just need to focus on one problem at a time and fix it. So what is keeping you stuck? As I promised, here are three more reasons!  1. You are focused on your rate, and not your value.  Virtual Assistants are service professionals, and so it can be very common to trade time for money. It’s also a really easy way to set your business up when you first… Read More »3 More Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and how to fix them!)