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finding virtual assistant clients

Who Do You Know?

As a virtual business owner, how many people do you connect with on a regular basis that are not clients or colleagues? Most of us are busy enough that we often stop at networking with clients and potential clients, and colleagues. We don’t think about networking with people that we are not going to be ‘doing business’ with. But you may be selling yourself short by missing out on a big group of people who can really benefit your business … referral partners. What’s a referral partner? A referral partner is simply that … someone who can refer clients to you (or refer you to them, as the case may be). They are people who know your ideal client. They… Read More »Who Do You Know?

One Woman’s Trash …

As you may know, I recently sent out a survey to my VA connections to see what they were interested in learning about this year, to improve their business marketing. I offered each respondent their choice of one of three free gifts in response for filling out my survey. I figured it was the least I could do if someone took a few moments to provide with the information I need to build great programs in my business. The response was great – in just a few days I had over 70 responses, which gave me a lot of information that will help with me with my planning. I was very pleased with the results. (If you want to see… Read More »One Woman’s Trash …

Did you get any new VA clients this month?

Did you sign on any new clients this month? If you didn’t, you should reassess what you are doing to find clients. When you are operating a thriving business that means you will constantly be building and growing, and that means that you should be bringing on at least one new client each month. It would be even better if you could bring on a lot more than that, but we’ll just talk about one today! 🙂 When you are nurturing your business, you will still have to be sure to continually market it, and network with new prospective clients. It’s important to keep your potential client pipeline full so that as your business grows and changes you have a pool… Read More »Did you get any new VA clients this month?

3 tips to help you find your target market

When you decide to get started as a Virtual Assistant, it’s generally because you have administrative skills that you have acquired over a series of jobs, and you want to start to work from home for one reason or another. But it’s important to realize that once you are home, sitting at your desk with your new business cards staring back at you, that you will need to market your business in order to build up a client base. Many VAs make the mistake of thinking they can help everyone. When you don’t focus on specific groups of people to connect with, you end up blurring the message you are sending out, and quite often you won’t be heard. By… Read More »3 tips to help you find your target market

Have you defined your target market?

Many Virtual Assistants who are just getting started make one big mistake … they think they can provide support for anyone. The question – ‘Who is your target market?’ often brings the response ‘Oh, I can help everyone. Everybody needs my services.’ While this is not exactly a false statement (many people need a variety of services that a VA can offer), it will really slow down the funnel of clients that you will attract. It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started or if you are looking to expand or grow your business. Getting specific about who you are serving is the fastest way to grow your client list. By really understand who you are serving, and how… Read More »Have you defined your target market?

3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing your business can be a confusing thing if you aren’t all that familiar with the concept of marketing. We talk a lot about your ideal client, and how identifying them will help you to build a more effective marketing strategy. When you are getting started, it can feel like no one even notices you, and if you are just putting up a list of services that you provide that might even be the case. That’s why it’s important to get specific about a few things and use those things to build a strategy to get clients to notice you. 1. Know who you can best support or serve. The services you provide are probably ‘in need’ in several industries,… Read More »3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy