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healthy working

No Problem, I’ve Got It!

Everyone I talk to this summer seems to be running just to keep up. Is that you too? Probably. With the kids out of school and the nice weather beckoning us, anyone who works from home really can struggle with staying interested in work, and getting it all done. I don’t usually have that problem, but for some reason this summer the pool is calling to me, and I’m more interested in what my son & husband are doing outside my office. My clients are also on holidays here and there, and attending a lot of events lately. So our schedule is a little messed up from the steady ‘launch’ phase that preceded the summer months. So here are a… Read More »No Problem, I’ve Got It!

What Inspires You in Your VA Business?

I recently had a conversation with my accountability partner about what inspires me in my daily work. It started with a conversation about what we had done over the past two weeks and what was coming up work-wise. I mentioned that there was one thing I was doing lately with my clients that was really fun. It made doing the work easier, just being able to get excited about it. Not everything we do in our business will be fun, of course, but it brought us to a conversation of what we enjoyed most, and how we could each do more of that in our businesses. I teach people to set up their businesses the way they want – so… Read More »What Inspires You in Your VA Business?

Do Less To Be More Productive in Your Virtual Assistant Business

Sounds kind of funny, doesn’t it – stop doing anything to make yourself more productive? But it really is true. In order to be your best self in your business, you need to shut down the business stuff and take time to recharge. Often. In effect, do less. For many years now, I have operated my business during standard business hours. I am basically in my office from 9 to 4 each day. And I shut it down after that. Occasionally I’ll need to do some catch up, but for the most part I only take on as much work as I can do during my regular business week. It didn’t used to be that way. Like many of you,… Read More »Do Less To Be More Productive in Your Virtual Assistant Business

When Is It Time To Fire A Client?

We work so hard to bring on clients, that we hate to part ways, don’t we? But sometimes … it’s necessary. I have let go of many clients over the years. Have you? I know it sounds harsh to say you ‘fire’ a client, but that’s really what it is. For various reasons, sometimes people just aren’t the right fit. Maybe they need too much support. Maybe they do too many things last-minute. Maybe your personalities just don’t jive. Maybe it’s a little bit of all three of those things! Whatever the reason, you should regularly look at your current roster of clients and assess who is a great client, and who is not. Recently I had to make a… Read More »When Is It Time To Fire A Client?

3 Common VA Roadblocks and How to Handle Them

In business, as in life, many things can jump into our path unexpectedly. It’s how we handle these things that will allow us to continue on the path to success, or derail us completely. Here are three common roadblocks that VAs face: 1) Unexpected loss of a client 2) Too much new business at once 3) Late payment by a client Unexpected Loss of a Client When a client decides to leave you (or if you fire them with little notice) it can be devastating to your income. The key is to keep your pipeline filled with prospects on a regular basis, so it’s as easy as contacting people in your audience and getting a new client. But this isn’t… Read More »3 Common VA Roadblocks and How to Handle Them

What Are You Tolerating?

I attended a Virtual Assistant conference several years ago and I listened to Mary Lou Ashton speak about tolerations. It was one of those talks that stays with you, at least it stayed with me. I refer to it all the time when I am in conversation with people who are struggling to focus and move forward in their business. Tolerations are those things that are around you that you probably don’t even consciously notice. A toleration can be a broken step as you walk into your house, or an unfolded basket of laundry, or dishes on the counter, or an unanswered email, or a stack of filing that needs to be done. A toleration is something that you notice,… Read More »What Are You Tolerating?

Is Anyone Stomping on Your Boundaries?

I’ve been witness to some funny (weird, not haha!) situations lately that I wanted to share with you. Lately I’ve been noticing that more and more things are making me go ‘huh?’ I sat back to reflect on several of those things – I’ll share some with you below – and I think what it boils down to is the sense of entitlement that people feel when they are spending money on something. Let me explain. When I spend money on a service provider or a training program or whatever, I have clear expectations of what I am getting for my money. You probably do too. But lately what I am seeing is a trend of people that expect to… Read More »Is Anyone Stomping on Your Boundaries?

Got Stress? Here’s How to Relax

With spring in the air, a common topic is spring cleaning. I started my own spring cleaning a couple of weeks ago when I downsized the piles and the storage in my office. I moved on last week to cleaning out our clothes closets. Spring seems to make you want to pull everything out and start with a new slate. But it doesn’t have to be spring to do this kind of stuff. If you find yourself under stress for any number of reasons, getting tidied up and organized can really help you alleviate that. Stress is one of those things that others point out to us. Not something that we often notice ourselves. Being a small business owner is… Read More »Got Stress? Here’s How to Relax