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virtual assistant business success

Strategies for a Thriving VA Business

Do you strategize in every area of your business? Only some areas? (or should I even ask – any??) Many virtual professionals I know have gone through that phase where they just put one foot in front of the other and hope that things go well. The problem with that is that if you don’t have a plan in place, you can experience a lot of issues. you can go off track worse, you can go nowhere you can’t measure your successes In order to know whether things are going the best way possible in your business it’s important to determine where you want to go, how you want to get there, how you are GOING to get there, and… Read More »Strategies for a Thriving VA Business

I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

Recently I received a question from a virtual professional who was trying to decide on her rate structure. She had listened to my audio teleclass ‘How Much Should I Charge?’ and she got really great material out of it, but was still stuck on actually setting her rates. So we had a chat and here is what I helped her figure out: She was starting a new area of her business – one that she hadn’t unveiled before – basically she would be doing group workshops/talks for groups of people. Previously she had not done this before. So there was unknown territory right from the start. She has a lot of experience and so she had worked out four or… Read More »I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

Build Your Business Plan Easily

When I start mentoring a new VA, the first thing we talk about is the business plan. I am never surprised to hear that someone doesn’t have their business plan done. So many VAs just start their business by looking for clients and hoping to sign them. Writing a business plan is an essential part of any small business. It helps you to clarify everything about your business, and if you don’t have one yet you should look at sitting down and just doing it. A business plan will help you: plan what you are going to do realize how you are going to do it set goals and achieve them You don’t have to put together a complex business… Read More »Build Your Business Plan Easily

Join me each month!

I have an exciting announcement for you (one of several this week, as you may know!). I have just launched my new membership program … and I’d like to invite you to check it out. The results of the survey I put out to my community indicated that many of you are interested in getting support on a regular basis, but that not all of you are ready to make a big investment … so that’s what I’ve tried to provide with this program. The membership fee is $29/month and here is what you receive with that: a monthly teaching call (coming up May 9th) a monthly live Q&A call (coming up May 23rd) email support from Your VA… Read More »Join me each month!

Marketing Tips for your Virtual Business

Do you find yourself so busy working IN your business that your own marketing efforts get shuffled off to the side? If so, you are not alone. Many virtual professionals get so busy working with their own clients, that they don’t regularly market their own business. This can lead to dry spells in bringing on new clients, or even lost networking opportunities. It’s important to make sure that you are maintaining your marketing all year round, and of course bumping it up when necessary to bring new clients or prospects into your ‘funnel’. Here are a few ways you can bolster your marketing efforts: 1. Network regularly. Think about what it is you want to accomplish, and make a plan… Read More »Marketing Tips for your Virtual Business

Keep Track – And Make More Money

One of the most difficult parts of running a VA business, is making sure that you are paid properly for your time and effort. I’m not talking about your rates … I’m talking about tasks – the work you do every day. Whether you charge by the hour or by the project, you have to have some idea of the expectation of time it will take to complete your client’s work. If you don’t know that, you could be losing money. So do you track all of your time? If you don’t, you really should. Here are three models that you can charge your clients by … and why tracking your time for each of them can help make you… Read More »Keep Track – And Make More Money

Is Your Website All About You?

Last week I attended a great webinar by Matthew Goldfarb of Corporate Renegade Copy that talked about website copywriting. The topic of the call was Website Snoozing, and the gist of the message was that you have to wake up your web copy in order to get your prospects to notice you. (so true!) It was a great presentation and I thought it was a good subject for an article. Many virtual professionals I come into contact with have some form of website set up – whether it’s their first, simple website, or a complex more detailed one. It’s important to realize that your website will probably always be a work in progress. In my travels as a VA mentor,… Read More »Is Your Website All About You?

One Thing You Need To Do To Make Your VA Business Grow

When you do your planning and goal setting in your business, do you really look at your numbers to determine where your revenue is coming from? If you don’t, you are missing out of a very large part of your business planning. When you are setting goals, one of the key things you need to assess is where the revenue will come from. In order to do this, you have to do a simple analysis of where it’s currently coming from. By focusing on this, you will be better prepared to plan new services, products or programs. It’s a simple thing to do, and it should be a part of your goal setting and business planning every time. 1. Make… Read More »One Thing You Need To Do To Make Your VA Business Grow