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virtual assistant business success

4 Ways to Increase Your Bottom Line

Are you happy with the amount of money your business is bringing in each month? Most people would answer ‘no’ … we all want to make more money, don’t we? It’s important to look at your business regularly to find opportunities to increase the amount of money on your bottom line. Here are four that are easy to implement, and easy to maintain: 1. Dump useless expenses – are you really using all the services you are paying for? Make a list (if you don’t already have one) of all of the things you pay for each month in your business. You can go as far as doing a Return on Investment analysis for each expense, but for the most… Read More »4 Ways to Increase Your Bottom Line

Help your success find you

Recently I purchased a new wallet for myself. For years I had used the same wallet … it was special because a friend had given it to me as a gift, and I never wanted to get a new one. It finally gave in and had so many tears in it that I could no longer carry coins in it (can you imagine!?). So I finally broke down and got myself a new wallet. It’s not the same as my old wallet but it has places for everything that I need and I am getting accustomed to the new places for everything. Since I made that small change – and gave my money a secure, new place to hang out… Read More »Help your success find you

Keep your clients on top of their game

Do you regularly step back and look at your business to be sure it’s running the way it’s supposed to? If you do, that’s a good thing. It’s important to look for gaps or inconsistencies in your service offerings for your clients. One of the things you should look at is whether you are keeping your clients at the top of their game. Ask yourself these questions: 1. Are there new trends emerging in marketing that my client should be incorporating into their business? 2. Is there a new area of support I could be providing for my clients? 3. Are the things we are doing together being measured, and are they working? These are just a few questions you… Read More »Keep your clients on top of their game

Strategies for a Thriving Virtual Assistant Business

Do you strategize in every area of your business? Only some areas? (or should I even ask – any??) Many virtual professionals I know have gone through that phase where they just put one foot in front of the other and hope that things go well. The problem with that is that if you don’t have a plan in place, you can experience a lot of issues: you can go off track worse, you can go nowhere you can’t measure your successes In order to know whether things are going the best way possible in your business it’s important to determine where you want to go, how you want to get there, how you are GOING to get there, and… Read More »Strategies for a Thriving Virtual Assistant Business

Waiting to market until your website is live?

I had a conversation with a VA recently about websites. One of the key stopping points for many VAs who are just getting started is their website. The issue is one of a few things: they can’t afford to get a website up yet they are exhaustively working on the page content and they are not ready to get it developed yet they are trying to learn HTML themselves so they can build their own website they are working with a designer to get it ‘just right’ and the designer is very busy … the list of reasons to not have it live yet goes on and on Essentially, they are making excuses for not ‘getting out there’, and they… Read More »Waiting to market until your website is live?

Goal Setting for Business Success

Do you set goals in your business? If you don’t, you really should. There is nothing like having something tangible written down that you can refer to, to ensure that your plan and strategy are on track and working for you. There are many places in your business that goal setting can really help you focus on what you want, and how you will achieve that. Many people only set the financial goals, and then leave it at that. I recommend that you look at many different areas of your business, and set realistic goals – that still stretch you outside your comfort zone – that you can work towards. By looking at areas like clients, training and products and… Read More »Goal Setting for Business Success

6 Ways to Find More Time In Your Day

One of the things that ‘busy’ people often lament is the lack of time. Well there is only so much time available. If you find yourself wishing you had more time, it would be a good exercise to look at exactly where you are spending yours.