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virtual assistant business strategy

Are You On Your Way to Burnout?

How’s it going in your business? Are you stressed? anxious? nervous? excited? tired? BUSY? When we are asked this question, often the answer is BUSY. We don’t ever mind sharing that, but we would probably be less inclined to use any of those other words to describe how things are going if someone asks. Why is that? Isn’t it normal to be stressed or excited in business? The point of being an entrepreneur is that we have a fire lit in our bellies that we want to work towards every day. But the truth is, we often just keep those feelings inside and share that we are ‘busy’. To me, when you filter the response you give people, that could… Read More »Are You On Your Way to Burnout?

10 Ideas to Inspire Your Social Media Posting

Do you struggle with what to post on social media? Virtual Assistants often second guess what they should be putting out there on their own social media channels. The main thing you need to be doing in your marketing is sharing your expertise. Anything you post on your business social media profiles, should be information that your potential clients would be interesting in seeing. Motivational posts are rampant on channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Many people are putting motivational quotes on beautiful images and while they are nice to look at, they aren’t going to tell your clients what you are good at doing. Now I know what you’re thinking – I can’t post sales stuff all the time.… Read More »10 Ideas to Inspire Your Social Media Posting

How Do You Find Your Core Message for Your VA Business?

Marketing and networking can be challenging when you are a VA.   If it’s not something you specialize in providing as a service to your clients, there can be a steep learning curve.  But how do you get clients if you don’t learn a little bit about marketing, right? One of the pieces of advice I like to share is about developing a core message that you can talk with people about. When you go to a networking event, and someone asks you what you do, how do you reply? Usually this goes one of two ways: either you recite your 30 second elevator pitch, or you just tell them you are a VA.  Neither of these is the right answer to that… Read More »How Do You Find Your Core Message for Your VA Business?

Say No to Get More Done In Your VA Business

Do you ever feel like you are running so fast that if you stop everything will crash in on you? It’s like that scenario of having so many balls in the air, and if someone tries to catch one for you, they will all drop. That was me, the last couple of weeks. I have a lot going on, like most of us, and my life is busy and so is my business. But it’s really not a good way to be all the time. You have to have ebbs and flows of activity. You have to be able to rest and then come back strong to work well. I know this. I teach this. But sometimes I don’t do… Read More »Say No to Get More Done In Your VA Business

7 Simple Tips to Building a Sustainable Virtual Assistant Business

This week I am celebrating my 7th anniversary of Your VA Mentor (I began teaching in 2010). It’s very exciting, and it occurred to me that perhaps I should share my tips with you, for how to remain in business long-term. They are simple tips, and they are ones that I have lived by over the last 7 years. Now granted I have not run Your VA Mentor full time up until now, but I have spent a lot of time and money keeping it in business to serve you – and I’ve done it by using the tips below! 1. Start with your passion.  Whatever you decide to do in your business, know that you will have hard times.… Read More »7 Simple Tips to Building a Sustainable Virtual Assistant Business

Where Are You Finding Your VA Clients?

Where are you looking for new clients? This is something that I come across often – and VAs tell me ‘everywhere’. I’m here to tell you that ‘everywhere’ is the wrong answer if you are asking yourself that question. When you are in business, you always need to be on the lookout for prospective clients. That’s a given! But looking everywhere is a waste of time and not the same thing at all. I’ve heard people complain: “I’m networking all day long and there are no good clients out there.” “I spend all of my time looking for clients but I don’t have any.” “I am ready to give up. All clients want to pay a VA peanuts:” Have you… Read More »Where Are You Finding Your VA Clients?

Are You Striving For Perfection? You Should Read This.

I am making some changes in my business and that means moving some clients on while bringing on new (different!) ones. My business has changed from providing VA work to running my training and coaching Your VA Mentor business, along with running my VA associations, CAVA and GAVA. So the time comes to move my VA clients over to new VAs. I have moved many clients in and out of my business over the last 20 years, and I always strive for excellence when I do it. That means doing it fairly swiftly, while providing the new VA as much information as possible so that the transition can be seamless. That means making sure that the new VA can succeed and that… Read More »Are You Striving For Perfection? You Should Read This.

Are You Moving Forward in Your VA Business?

I came across a neat quote from Simon Sinek this week in the form of a social media image. “It’s better to go slow in the right direction that to go fast in the wrong direction.” I really like this thought because it’s really true in usiness. I often talk to VAs who feel that they aren’t moving fast enough to get where they are going. But I always reassure them that as long as they are moving forward, even in tiny steps, that they are still headed in the right direction. Those of you who have worked with me will know this is true! As we build and grow our businesses, sometimes we don’t get everything done that we expected. But… Read More »Are You Moving Forward in Your VA Business?