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virtual assistant business strategy

Have You Had a Day Like This?

This week I was a sponsor at two different local events. When you work virtually, leaving the house can be somewhat challenging – so many things to remember! If I am headed to a business networking event, all I ever really need is my business cards – so that’s pretty simple. But when I am a sponsor, there are so many more things to coordinate. This week one of my events was seamless … and one was not! The first one I brought my banner, my table set up, my business cards, my giveaway and my bowl of candy. I had sponsored this particular event before so I knew what the crowd was like and I knew what I wanted… Read More »Have You Had a Day Like This?

100 Conversations to Grow your Business

This month I started taking part in a great challenge that my friend Sally Guest is doing in one of her Facebook groups. It’s called 100 Conversations in 100 Days and it’s basically a challenge to grow your business. Since I teach people to network by talking to 2 people each day about your business, I thought it was a great idea for me to do it for 100 days myself. And it’s only one person per day, so it’s ridiculously manageable. We are already almost at Day 10, and it’s so easy. I challenge you to start too – try it. Think about one person every day that you can speak with about your business. Maybe it’s someone who could… Read More »100 Conversations to Grow your Business

You Make It Sound So Easy!

Business is complicated. Networking is hard. Marketing is time-consuming. All of these statements are probably pretty true – especially if you are trying to do it all at once. But here is what I teach all of my students and my coaching clients: simplify what you are trying to do. Break it down into small, manageable (bite-sized) steps. I promise you, you will get more done and you will move your business forward faster. If I counted the number of times a VA told me ‘I am going to spend 2 hours a day on (insert business task here)’, or ‘I’m going to catch up on all 6 lessons from my training course this weekend’, I’d be a millionaire!! It’s… Read More »You Make It Sound So Easy!

3 Ways to Become the Go-To VA Expert For Your Clients

I was doing a bit of surfing on the ‘net and Facebook the other day and I realized that what I was doing I needed to share with you! I was doing research for my clients – not in a billable, time-tracking way – but I was noticing things in my Internet travels that might be interesting to them. One of the things that is really important for you to do in business is to master your craft. Just like your clients, it’s essential that you know your business inside and out. Part of that mastery is learning about your clients and their businesses too. It’s not particularly necessary to work with a target industry or niche (although that helps!), but… Read More »3 Ways to Become the Go-To VA Expert For Your Clients

Is Finding a Niche For Your VA Business Really Necessary?

One of the things that comes up quite often in my discussions with VAs is whether they need to find a niche to be successful. My answer to this question is a definite YES and NO. Choosing a niche is a personal choice, like everything else in your business. There are advantages and disadvantages to deciding to work with a particular group of people. If you’re not sure what I mean by finding a niche, it’s basically choose to segment a group of people to target your networking/marketing/work with. You can choose a group by the industry they are part of (ie travel industry), orby type of person they are (married with families, female solopreneurs) or the service you provide (WordPress websites).… Read More »Is Finding a Niche For Your VA Business Really Necessary?

Are You Listless or Limitless?

The last few weeks I have noticed that I have been dropping the ball on various things. Forgetting tiny tasks or needing to remind myself more often about something that needs to be done. I discovered that I have low iron in my blood (anemia) and it explains so much. Low iron means that your blood can not carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body – all of them! – and as a result, they either can not work to their full capacity, or they get tired and they can stop working all together. Now I know that we talk often about self-care in our VA businesses. When we work alone we can pick up bad habits very… Read More »Are You Listless or Limitless?

Are You Using Facebook Live?

I saw you on Facebook yesterday. Did you see me? I’m kidding of course! But isn’t it neat that Facebook finally came up with something that turned its platform into an actual face-book? Facebook Live came out a while back and it’s starting to take off … slowly, according to my newsfeed, but people are getting more comfortable with it. I checked my pages the other day and I have access to it now. I’m not sure if I have for a while, but it’s there for sure. So I intend to start using it. Soon. LOL. Proscrastination is a big part of my video stuff. It seems to be the same for a lot of other people. So here… Read More »Are You Using Facebook Live?

Virtual Assistants: To Track Time or Not?

Virtual Assistants need to have an effective and accurate time tracking system in place. It’s easy, but it can get out of control if you let it. ‘Losing time’ can not only set your schedule behind, lead to disorganization and late night catch-up, but it can also impact your revenue if you forget to bill for work done. Here are a few answers to those questions you have about time tracking: Why should I track my time? First of all, because you need to know how you are spending your day. How much of your time is being spent on billable work? Non billable work? Wasted time? Things you dislike doing? If you write it all down, it will be… Read More »Virtual Assistants: To Track Time or Not?